Researchers and experts go on and on about how olive oil is essential for your heart health. In fact, it’s the reason the Mediterranean Diet is one of the healthiest and most popular diets in the world.
Olive oil, as we all know, is an oil we get from the olive tree found mainly in the Mediterranean regions. It is not only used for cooking purposes, but also for manufacturing cosmetic products and soaps, for medicinal purposes and as pharmaceutical supplements. So, if you’re not using olive oil in your day-to-day diet, here’s why you really should be.
1. Reduces Heart Problems
Olive oil contains 70% monounsaturated fatty acid. Therefore, it can help lower cholesterol accumulation in the blood and keep your heart healthy.
2. Lowers Blood Cholesterol
The bad type of cholesterol – LDL cholesterol, increases the risk of heart attacks and pulmonary heart disease. But, when you use extra virgin olive oil, which is rich in almost 40 antioxidant chemicals, it can help reduce the oxidation effects of LDL cholesterol. It also helps increase the good cholesterol (HDL) levels.
3. Weight Loss
According to medical experts, it is very difficult to gain weight from the mono-unsaturated fats you find in olive oil. This is why this Mediterranean oil continues to show positive results with regards to a reduction in human body weight.
4. Boosts Metabolism
Olive oil not only boosts metabolism, it also aids in the digestive process. You can use it as a medicinal oil to clean the digestive tract and improve bowel movements.
5. Prevents Inflammation & Infections
Because olive oil is rich in phenols, it has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Therefore, using it regularly can help inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria and relieve inflammation.
6. Boosts brain development in children
It not only boosts brain development in children but also helps reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer’s. Furthermore, it is a great source of vitamin E, which is very beneficial for older people.
7. Slows down the ageing process
Olive oil slows the natural ageing process because it is rich in antioxidants. You can also use it externally in your cosmetic products and as a natural herbal therapy. It can give your skin a natural shine and glow.
8. Strengthens Bones
It’s not only calcium that strengthens bones. This enriching oil can also strengthen bones. In a study on a group of men consuming a Mediterranean diet, they found that their blood had higher levels of osteocalcin, which was an indication of healthy bone formation.
9. Strengthens Cell Walls
The polyphenols in olive oil help build stronger cell walls. Furthermore, this enriching oil protects you against various heart conditions by increasing the elasticity of your arterial walls, .
10. Reduces your risk of cancer
Olive oil can protect the human body against cancerous growth, particularly bowel cancer. According to Oxford University researchers, there are positive signs that the acidic content of this oil can prevent the commencement of bowel and rectum cancer.
11. Improves skin health
Natural ingredients are always winners when it comes to beauty. No matter how many creams there are on your shelf, for a quick fix, a fruit pulp or a vegetable juice extract always gives the best results. Olive oil contains vitamin E, which helps improve skin health. It’s also great for treating inflammation and acne as well as protecting the skin from serious ailments like psoriasis and skin cancer.
12. Lowers hypertension
A recent study suggests that the unsaturated fats (found in olive oil), nitrite and nitrate (found in leafy green vegetables) that you can take together in a Mediterranean diet can help lower hypertension.
Olive oil comes in several grades. These are according to aroma, flavor, acidic value and color. It’s important that you buy authentic oil properly evaluated for medicinal purposes.
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