Cloud9 1. FLOATATION THERAPY Is my best and easiest way to decrease stress hormones while simply resting. Since it is stress hormones that create all the physical side effects of stress, you need to find a way of getting rid of them, as fast as you are creating them. Floatation is proven to decrease stress hormones, and increase endorphins (happy hormones), in the space of just one hour. If you need to manage your stress and don’t want to have to work on it, this is my first recommendation. For more about Floatation Therapy By the way, floats are on special at cloud 9 until Christmas buy on get one free. You can give them away as vouchers, or keep them for your self. So if you would like to get your stress down for the end of the year, drop me a mail. 2. GET PRESENT AND MASTER YOUR THOUGHTS. Since 90% of your day is really quite nice, (even when you are having a difficult run), your ability to focus your attention, and mood, on what is really happening around you at any one time, will give you a 90% lovely day. It is the brewing, story creating, and living in the past or future that messes with a lovely day. It is your thoughts that make you mad, sad,unhappy, stressed out. So learn to get present, and control your thinking. In the book Clarity (which I highly recommend), Jamie Smart talks about living in the feelings of your thinking. You can learn to change your thinking, and so change your feeling, and your whole life experience. If you are having a hard time of letting go of the past, controlling your thinking, or creating a happy life, you can always come see me for some Kinesiology/NLP. You will be blown away by how powerful it is to change the way you feel about things. For More about Kinesiolgy/NLP coaching, check out my web site 3. MEDITATE DAILY. I know, it seems hard to do, but there are loads of different ways to meditate, keep searching and you will find a way that works for you. Don’t get caught up in and disheartened by the myths around silence, stillness, immobility, ability, that abound. There are loads of places you can learn to meditate and meditate with a group, that will help you are a beginner, so get started. By the way, stress is a major player in all disease from heart, to cancer, to autoimmune disease, to catching a simple cold Stress fundamentally affects your bodies physiological functioning, including it’s ability keep you healthy and to heal. So if you do anything at all for yourself, do something to manage your stress, everyday! If you found this post interesting, please share it with your friends, and visit my web site for my blogs about mind mastery, relationship mastery and much more.

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