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Our Daily Routines Ground Us:

“Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, leave the rest to God.”

Ronald Reagan

Many people have asked  how I ground myself before I write.  To be very honest, I don’t,  But, what I do do is ensure that I am grounded every day, to enable me to do everything that I do to the best of my ability.

My daily routine is vitally important to me, and may give you some ideas.

– I get up early in the morning, and while the house is still quiet,  I meditate, and calm my mind.

– Drink a warm glass of water with fresh lemon sliced into it, and take my vitamins.

– I jump on my mine trampoline for a couple of minutes, to get my lymph system going.

– Give myself a quick dry brush body scrub, to freshen up my skin, and detox

– Jump in the bath, which is my favourite, most relaxing time of the day.

– I then go through my inbox, and either flag or delete all my emails, while drinking a delicious (unhealthy) cappuccino.

– I have a lovely platter of fresh fruit for breakfast, and continue to eat fruit and drink water throughout the morning.

– Then, off to either climb the mountain/ go to gym/ go to yoga/  a run on the beach ( which is my favourite, especially when I go with my daughters, and we all have a swim in the sea afterwards.)

– Once I am home, I get dressed, do my hair, and put on my makeup for the day.

This daily routine prepares me for the day ahead,  I find that once I sit down to work/ write, I am happy, calm, grounded and balanced.  I am ready to face whatever the day ahead may bring.

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