Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.
Having patience doesn’t always mean that you know how to wait for something or someone. It’s what you do during that time, that counts.
Whether you are standing in a queue for a few minutes, waiting to pay for groceries or expecting to hear back from a company after a job interview the following week, it wouldn’t get you anywhere if you try to rush something which is out of your control. Worrying about a situation’s outcome, wouldn’t do you much good, therefore what is the point of pulling out your hair for nothing? Rather spend your time doing something productive to keep a positive mindset, than working up your heart rate when you know there is nothing that will speed up the waiting process.
It’s not always easy waiting around, but always keep in mind that anything worth something, is worth waiting for, no matter how long it takes. The only trick to it, is to not loose hope in the process and keep your mind occupied with positive thoughts and creative ideas so that your mind is not fixed on the fact that you are still waiting, that’s when you might start overthinking the situation and placing doubts in your own subconscious.

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