Life is short, live it. Love is rare, grab it. Anger is destructive, dump it. Fear holds us back, face it. Memories are precious, cherish it.



Life truly is short, therefore make each moment, each memory count. If you find someone to love, who loves you back, then hold on to them for that kind of love is not something that is easy to find, although many people tend to think so. Anger can lead to hate and it is so destructive, not to the person you are angry at, they don’t feel a thing, but to yourself. If you hold on to that anger for too long, it only brings you negative thoughts and feelings, leading to a negative life, so dump that anger or find a way to forgive.

Fear can be found in many forms, every person on this planet has experienced the fear of rejection or the fear of failure, but it’s what you do with that fear, that defines your success.

Memories, are the most precious thing anyone could have. Without them, we feel lost. Our memories is the one place we can go to if we need a break from the rest of the world. It’s where we keep our loved ones alive and it reminds us of why we do what we do. Good or bad, memories reminds us of who we are, who we were and who we want to be.

life is short
Life is short, live it. Love is rare, grab it. Anger is destructive, dump it. Fear holds us back, face it. Memories are precious, cherish it.
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