You may be tired of the news about the benefits of a high fiber diet, but most South Africans haven’t got this message. Adding several helpings of filling, low-fat, high fiber foods to your diet everyday can reduce your risk of colon cancer.

Getting plenty of fiber in your diet won’t only help keep you regular, but can lower your cholesterol too. Here’s a wrap up of  what you missed this week at Life Retreat. Have an awesome weekend!




Recipe Of The Week – Home-Made Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese recipe

Most people have developed the habit of taking free fats with every meal. Free fats are those that have been broken out of their natural globule by mechanical means – these would include butter, margarine and all cooking oils. Click here to read on.


Introducing The New GUESS Collection – Stand A Chance To WIN!


This spring 2017 season, GUESS celebrates its 35th Anniversary with a GUESS Originals capsule collection and iconic advertising campaign featuring GUESS Girl Hailey Baldwin, alongside heart-throb Stefano Sala. These classic black and white photographs showcase the limited edition pieces in the GUESS Originals 1981 Anniversary Capsule. They celebrate our 35 sexy years of innovative designs, pride, and success. Click here for giveaway details.


How To Give Mouth To Mouth Resuscitation – CPR


Anybody can and anybody should learn how to perform Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). It’s far better to do something than to do nothing at all in an emergency. In fact, even if your knowledge or abilities aren’t 100% complete, the difference between your doing something and doing nothing could be someone’s life. Click here for event details.

—————Money Matters————–

Get Yourself Out Of Debt With These Simple Steps


The burden of debt is a like a plague. It leaves you broke and keeps you from getting ahead. There was a point in my life when I couldn’t handle my debt. It even made me turn down parties and family gatherings because I just didn’t have money to contribute or buy gifts. Click here to keep reading.

—————Product Reviews————–

What Can We Achieve With Just A Little Bit Of Help?

I always wonder what makes a business successful… How do business owners keep their employees motivated and their clients happy? And then I came across an FNB advert that stipulated ‘a little help goes a long way’… Which is when I realized that this is why they strive in the industry. Click here to read on.


10 Health Uses For Hemp Oil

hemp oil

Most of the health benefits of hemp oil (hemp seed oil) come from its perfect ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids, which are present in the 3:1 ratio that is optimal for human health. Hemp oil provides powerful nutrition and can be used topically as well as internally. It is one of the best sources of omega fatty acids and today I’ll tell you about 10 of its uses.

Also, if you don’t want to miss out on a chance to win great prizes, then you need to sign up to our daily feeds. Click here and sign up.

Don’t forget to visit our online store for some of the best deals on luxury products, health, beauty, fashion, fitness, lifestyle: It’s all here.

Clearance sale! R1000 OFF

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————-See you at the same time next week!————-

The Life Retreat Team

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