Revival of Rythmn and Dance, hosted by eNuV, 1st September 2016 at the Church Square, Spin Street Town.

Spring the emerging of new life, rebirth of wonder which arises into blooming Spring! Mother earth has awaited its arrival to bring forth colours and scents of flowers.  And, as the caterpillar transforms into the butterfly, we as human nature metamorphose, we change, we transform, and we evolve. Also, we do this by thought and movement follows. So, celebrate your gratitude of transformation and rebirth of new life with the beauty of Spring at Church Square Spin Street, Spring and the Full moon embraces you!


We invite you to immerse your senses into all style of movement forms, ranging from Traditional dance, Eurythmy, Classical Dance, experimental dance, free style and performance dance.

In addition, we will take you on a journey of magical nature sound, acoustic instruments and rhythms of beauty. All brought to you by Vanessa and guided poetry inspiration by Nisreen; as you create your movement in Church Square.

Free entry of all ages, we would however accept donations of R80 to support our growing venture of movement to reach all! All for One!

Our Venue:  Church Square Spin Street Town

Time:       5:30pm – 7.30pm

Date:       1st September 2016

Dress:       movement wear


Furthermore, we will accept Donations of R80, before or during the event, proceeds will be given to Camphill Village Hermanus.

Who is eNuV?

eNuV started by 2 dynamic entrepreneurs Nisreen and Vanessa. It brings a collaboration of healing movement, sound and rhythm.  In addition, our roots have a platform of alternative healing, creativity and sound. Also, Nisreen has an alternative healing background as an Integrative Wellness Coach and Vanessa is a Creative Director, DJ and producer of sound.

Together we as eNuV bring this force of unique movement and sound incorporating eurythmical elements with free flow dance.  Eurythmy is an ancient art of movement founded by Dr Rudolph Steiner. eNuV is about using human natures movement to unearth your individual creativity and pure potential.  Through life we move and by allowing our own movement to present it naturally, we may discover or rediscover more about our own life path journey and inner being. Through connecting with our inner being we become comfortable with life’s journey with others.

It’s human phenomena to have obstacles, although one medium connects us all.

Sound, music, rhythm and vibration.  We find connections harmonious, without words between people.

‘Movement can proceed where words may not’ Nisreen

‘In the beginning was the word (sound) and that was OM’ – Vanessa

In conclusion, we invite you to contemplate and live your truth and freedom with eNuV, inspiring through sound and movement.

‘You are eNuV’

With Warmth and Gratitude

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