The excitement is building fast for 20 young talented chefs from all over the world as the Grand Finale of the San Pellegrino Young Chefs awards for 2015 approaches.
A thrilling series of events around the world established the list of official finalists of these prestigious culinary awards. While it’s been a long and hard selection process, now that the regional challenges are over, the list of the S.Pellegrino Young Chef 2015 award finalists is ready and the chefs are all hard at work preparing for the final event.
On the 26th of June, during Expo Milan 2015, these twenty young chefs from all over the world will gather to submit their talent to an extraordinary jury of seven famous international chefs, the “seven sages” that includes Gastón Acurio, Yannick Alléno, Massimo Bottura, Margot Janse, Yoshihiro Narisawa, Éric Ripert and Joan Roca.
Angelo Scirocco, from Cape Town, South Africa, will be representing Africa-Middle East, and his dish, Milk is Thicker than Water, that saw him succeed over the other 9 finalists for theregion that were selected by ALMA, the world’s leading international educational and training centre for Italian Cuisine, is in its final stages of preparation before being presented to the daunting judges panel.
Please see the press release here and follow the hashtag #SPYoungChef for real-times updates about the event.
More about Angelo and the San Pellegrino Young Chef 2015
If you would like to know more about Angelo, please email for the full document.