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Menopause Doesn’t Have to Be a Struggle: Our Expert Tips and Products Can Help
Relieve Menopausal Symptoms Naturally
Relieve Menopausal Symptoms Naturally
Do you already use lemon in your cooking, baking or beverages? Well, your hair, skin, and nails would love this multipurpose fruit even more!
Allergies are on the rise in South Africa, Health24 reports. Globally, 30-35% of people experience allergies at some point in their lives — a number increasing largely due to environmental changes and insufficient immune systems.
If you regularly struggle with acne or red, blotchy, uneven skin, you’re not alone. It may seem as though no matter how many high-end skincare products you try to clear your skin, most are not effective!
Cold sores like to strike when they’re least welcome – just before a special occasion. And, if you’ve suffered a cold sore breakout, you know the symptoms all too well.
Mother Nature offers an abundance of ingredients for beauty products. Therefore, you don’t have to spend thousands of rands on the usual expensive, chemically infused products.
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