When we are stressed and dealing with money problems, we often forget the essential things in life. We are so focused on our Lack of money and our expenses that we lose touch with reality. The reality is that the only way to take stock of our finances and get back on track is to go back to basics. The more mindful we are, the more resilient we become We are offering you 10 ways to cope with your money problems. 

10 Ways to Cope With Money Problems

1.  Make sleep a top priority. 

Stress keeps us awake at night, which is precisely the opposite of what we need. So do anything you can naturally to get a good nights sleep. Sleep deprivation wears down our immune system and adversely affects our logical thinking patterns.

2.  Move your body. 

We don’t feel like moving when we are stressed. But just getting up and going for a short walk or doing some stretches, releases stress. Stepping outside for a few minutes a day and having direct sunlight, increases our Vitamin D.

3.  Give Give Give

Money/ time/ energy/ create jobs/ offer support.  By giving freely, we open up space to receive, which is what we all need. Once we stop focusing entirely on our Lack, we realize how much we have to give.

4.  Write down your plan to address your financial problems. 

When we see things in writing, it puts it into perspective and removes a weight off our shoulders. The problem does not go away, but the way we deal with it changes.

5.  Review your insurance coverage. 

Consider all possibilities of medical aid, house insurance, car insurance. Do you have enough coverage to be prepared for any unforeseen eventuality?

6.  Get your finances organized by steps towards organizing your finances.

Hire a bookkeeper or accountant. They are worth their weight of Gold. If you have debt, communicate with your Creditors as they are open to compromise.

7.  Self Care

Take care of all of your personal

Needs. These including physical, emotional, mental and Spiritual. Dress up for work, even if working from home. The more we respect ourselves, the more equipped we are to look after our Colleagues and Employees.

8.   Save as much as you can

No matter how small put something aside every month, to help cushion possible future blows. No matter how small or large our savings are, by having savings relieves our financial stresses.

9. Meditate & Pray daily

Prayer is our way of speaking to God, or our Creator, and gives us a sense of security. Meditation is our way of silencing our minds to listen to God and guides us.


10. Speak to someone

Take a weight off your shoulders by speaking to a partner, colleague, family member, friend or a Therapist. This way, we know we are not alone, and we do have support.

I am speaking of carrying a weight on our shoulders. Most of us are suffering from some sort of stress or worry at the moment. We are literally all “carrying a burden on our shoulders. We are battling with headaches and backache, and can all relate to the below.


Back Issues: “Represents the support of life and money worries.”
Rounded shoulders: “Carrying the burdens of life. Helpless and hopeless.”
Lower Back Pain: “Fear of money or lack of financial support.”
Mid-Back Pain: “Guilt. Stuck in all that stuff back there. “Get off my back!”.”



By focusing on and repeating the below, we can heal our lives
Upper Back Pain: “Lack of emotional support. I was feeling unloved. Holding back love.” 
 Lower back: “I trust the process of life. All I need is always taken care of. I am safe.”
Middle back: “I release the past. I am free to move forward with love in my heart.”

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2 thoughts on “10 Ways To Cope With Money Problems

  1. START A CBD OIL BUSINESS: Click Here To View Products https://lifestyleshoponline.co.za/search?q=cbd

    START A SAN-O-TIZER BUSINESS: Click Here To View Products https://lifestyleshoponline.co.za/search?q=san

    If you would like to begin either of the above Businesses you are welcome to purchase products from us at WHOLESALE PRICES & Resell them at Retail Prices with a very good Mark-Up/ Profit Margin

    Email us on info@liferetreat.co.za

  2. 10 Ways To Cope With Money Problems Know Your Worth When we are stressed and dealing with money problems, we often forget the essential things in life. We are so focused on our Lack of money and our expenses that we lose touch with reality. The reality is that the only way to take stock of our finances and get back on track is to go back to basics. The more mindful we are, the more resilient we become We are offering you 10 ways to cope with your money problems.

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