If you sit down and think about what you’ve put in your mouth lately, you’ll agree that you’re probably high. Yes, high! Those thick, creamy milkshakes, cold cuts and chicken nuggets can have you’re riding a sugar high right now.
Well, don’t feel bad – you’re not the only one buzzed with a sugar addiction. In fact, according to research nearly a quarter of one’s daily caloric intakes – 325 calories on averages – comes from foods such as soft drinks, baked goods, desserts and fruit juices. In other words, from sugar.
You’ll agree with me that that the end of the year is the worst time of the year to try and take control of your sugar cravings. So, here are six tips to help you take control of your sweet tooth that really work!
How to curb your sugar cravings this December
1. Never cross the 150 calorie line!
It’s not easy to say no to a cupcake or a chocolate especially when you’re at a dinner or Christmas party. Honestly – this happens! However, when it does happen, make sure you stick to less than 150 calorie portions and less than 16 g of sugar.
2. Eat a decent breakfast every day
Did you know that most sugar addicts skip breakfast? That’s right. 90% wait and get a big hit of sugar just around 10am. Eating breakfast helps you prevent the drop in blood sugar that makes you crave sugar later in the day. A nutritious hearty breakfast doesn’t have to take you long to put together – try avocado baked eggs or a delicious low-calorie smoothie.
3. Opt for fruit whenever you can
Try to satisfy your sweet tooth with apples, bananas and berries; all of which temper natural sugar with fibre and loads of antioxidants. Fruit juices and dried fruit will also do in a pinch. However, note that they have far more calories than fresh fruit. So, limit yourself to less than a quarter cup of dried fruit or one cup of fruit juice a day. Frozen fruit smoothies are another great healthy way to get your sugar fix.
4. Avoid sugary drinks as much as you can
Deal with the worst offenders first: Those sucrose-infested treats! Yes, I’m looking you right in the eye, caramel sundae! If you drink such sugary drinks on a daily, try to get into the habit of having one every other day.
5. Plan your treats for right after dinner
You can’t give away or throw out all the sweet treats you’re given for Christmas, I know. So, rather have them at the right time – after dinner. You’ll be too full to have too much. In fact, treating yourself right after dinner can help you reduce (though not counter) the insulin-spiking effect.
6. You might need rehab
You could be an addict. So, before you can fully recover, you need to detox. It can take about five days to fully overcome your sugar cravings, and you’ll feel awful for about three of them. So, prepare to be irritable as you resist temptation for the first three days. By the fifth day, you’ll feel like a whole new being– I promise! What’s more, you’ll have learned that you don’t need to much sugar because just little goes long way.