What are you? Vegan/ Vegetarian /Pescatarian/ Carnivore/ Omnivore/ Flexitarian/ Paleotarian /Pollotarian/ Fruitarian/ Breatharian, or a Flexitarian? We are a family of flexitarians.
Now you may be wondering what a flexitarian is, and so did I a few months ago. In theory my one daughter, and I are vegetarians, but in reality we are not. We hardly ever eat meat, or chicken. But for example, when there is a piece of biltong around and we are starving, we often give in and eat it. So, we have decided to label ourselves flexitarian, so that when it suits us, we can break our vegetarian diets. Most vegetarians would be horrified by this. And, lately I have found that people on certain lifestyle diets are very particular on how they are defined.

To be honest, there are a couple of these terms that I have not been too sure what they mean. I thought it would be a good idea to do my homework, and to share it with you.
- Vegan: A vegan is someone that is a vegetarian, who also excludes eggs, dairy, and all animal derived foods and products.
- Vegetarian: A vegetarian is a person who does not eat meat, often for moral, religious or health reasons.
- Pescatarian: A pescatarian diet is one that includes fish and seafood, but doesn’t include certain other animal products, especially meat.
- Carnivore: Although most of us conduct our lives as omnivores, in that we eat flesh as well as vegetables and fruits, human beings have characteristics of herbivores, not carnivores.
- Omnivore: An omnivore is an animal that eats food from both plants and animals, which may include eggs, insects, fungi and algae.
- Flexitarian: A semi-vegetarian or flexitarian diet is one that is plant-based with the occasional inclusion of meat products like the one we discussed above.
- Paleotarian: A Paleotarian eating fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats and rejecting gluten, grains, legumes, dairy, starchy vegetables, excessive carbohydrates and processed foods.
Nature’s Choice Pistachio Nuts

- Pollotarian: A pollotarian (aka a pollovegetarian or a pollo-vegetarian) is someone who will not eat the flesh of any red meat mammals, but does include chicken, turkey and other poultry.
- Fruitarian: Fruitarianism is a diet that consists entirely or primarily of fruits in the botanical sense. And possibly nuts and seeds, without animal products.
- Breatharian: Breatharians claim that food, and in some cases water, are not necessary for survival. Also, that humans can be sustained solely by prana, the vital life force in Hinduism. Can a person really survive without food?
- Raw Foodie: This is the dietary practice of eating only uncooked, unprocessed foods. Raw food diets may include a selection of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, eggs, fish, meat and dairy products.
Whatever dietary practice you follow, always remember YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT.
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