The sun is less bright and there’s a slight chill in the air, which means autumn is here! We’re always excited about a change of season as this means playing around with all kinds of new oils.

To fortify the skin on your face, neck and chest, Argan oil is a great option. It’s very high in antioxidants and essential fatty acids, which will equip your skin to better protect itself once the harsher winter months are in full swing. Our Argan oil is packaged in a 30ml dropper with a nifty pipette for easy application and zero wastage. Shop Argan oil here.


A common body complaint we encounter in the cooler months is itchiness and flaking – especially on the back, shoulders and limbs. A home made body scrub may be just what the skin doctor ordered. Use it twice a week and stick to natural ingredients like salt, sugar and good old fashioned oils that you can even borrow from your grocery cupboard.

If you live in a summer rainfall area you might want to take some preventative measures to fight colds and sinus issues before they start. A combination of eucalyptus and tea tree is a winner – eucalyptus relieves congestion, and tea tree is perfect for fighting airborne viruses. Pour a few drops of each on the shower floor before you open the taps for a mini steam session, use it in your humidifier, or place one drop of each onto a tissue and inhale. Find eucalyptus here and tea tree here.

Article by The SOiL team
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