Co-Enzyme Q10 is the latest anti aging buzzword.  I have done a lot of research on it, and it certainly has fantastic results.  I am presently using the Dermasure Zone antioxidant range of face products, and Nivea Q10 body lotion.  Plus, I am taking the Solal Advanced Cellular™ Anti-Aging Antioxidant vitamins. I highly recommend all these products, as they are extremely good value for money.

One of the primary causes of skin ageing is oxidative stress caused by continuous sun exposure, as well as free radicals. Research has shown that the correct use of powerful anti-oxidants, and at the correct concentrations, helps to slow down this ageing process. Co-Enzyme Q10 (Co Q10) is currently classified as the next generation of anti-oxidants and is probably one of the most powerful anti-oxidants in use.

Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to introduce Zone Cosmetics to you.

The body contains natural levels of Co-Enzyme Q10 (Co Q10)which start to decline from age 20 and could reduce by as much as 25 % by age 40. In order to slow down the ageing process and maintain a youthful skin, one needs to replenish and maintain these Co-Enzyme Q10 (Co Q10)levels either topically of orally.

Co-Enzyme Q10 plays two important roles in the skin: It penetrates skin cells and provides cell energy necessary for the formation of new and better quality skin cells. It is an anti-oxidant which helps to neutralizes harmful free-radicals which are one of the main causes of skin damage.


Basic Consumer Test: Medical science has proven that, unless (any) substances are applied or taken at the correct concentrations, it cannot produce the desired effects. Co-Enzyme Q10 (Co Q10)is a bright yellow substance. Therefore, all creams and lotions containing approved levels of Co-Q10, will be a shade of yellow, depending on the concentration.

Read here, for more info on Co-Enzyme Q10

To purchase the Solal Co-Enzyme and Q10 Anti Aging vitamins click here.  We deliver all over South Africa.

I often go for runs on the beach, or walks in the mountains, and after my bath, I love to  lather myself in body lotion.  My skin does tend to dry out in our harsh weather conditions.  The Dermasure Hydra-lac body lotion is ideal for moisturising my skin. It is an advanced formula for problem dry skin, and conditions associated with roughness and scaling.

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3 thoughts on “Before the Cracks Appear, Use Co-Enzyme Q10 for Anti Aging

  1. Hi guys Debbie again. Love love love your blogs and yes Q10 sounds like it could really help people like me. I’d love it if I could become like an established site such as Life Retreat. LoveYourSelf is my site. Anyway guys keep up the great work.


    1. HI Debbie, thanks so much for the complements. We really appreciate it. I have tried to look for your site, but can’t find it. What is the website address?

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