How many times have you dashed out the door, rushed the kids to school and sat in traffic on the freeway without even thinking about getting something to eat? If this sounds familiar, you may want to rethink your morning routine.




Research shows that having breakfast improves your mental health

According to a study conducted by the Sussex Innovation Centre, Brighton, 61% of volunteers who ate after waking up showed an improvement in English and arithmetic tests after eating. The participants in the study performed a series of tests over two days. One after eating breakfast and the other when they had not. Furthermore, some participants found that they were unable to concentrate long enough to complete the series of tests properly when they hadn’t eaten.

Both adults and children suffer from skipping breakfast. Children who don’t eat breakfast don’t pay attention as long, don’t concentrate well and get lower scores on tests. Adults who skip breakfast show poor performance at work too. Busy mornings shouldn’t mean skipping breakfast. If you find yourself too busy to eat, here are a few ideas to help you grab something nutritious.

Crunch on carrots

Buy ready to munch carrot sticks and set them out with your favourite dip the night before. You can all snack on them as you get ready or grab some to go.

Save leftovers

Casseroles, pizza, stews, pasta dishes and soups are all easy to grab left overs that you can quickly pop in the microwave or eat cold. Remember, we’re taking about breakfast, NOT lunch!

Make ahead sandwiches

Use wholewheat bread, bagels or tortillas and freeze them already filled with peanut butter, low-fat cream cheese, fruit spreads/slices or low fat meats. Heat them in the microwave or toaster oven.

Make ahead muffins

You can make low-fat muffins or grab some from your grocery store. You can refrigerate or freeze already filled with your favourite healthy filling.


Boost your energy with just 1 Tbsp added to a bowl of cereal
Boost your energy with just 1 Tbsp added to a bowl of cereal

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