For years the Skin Renewal philosophy has been to ensure their patients look like the very best version of themselves. They do not believe in frozen foreheads, and overinflated “trout pouts”. Instead, their focus is on helping Clients to celebrate every stage of life while ageing with grace.
For this reason, they excited to announce that they have trained their highly-skilled aesthetic doctors in the art of MD Codes™. A new technique and non-invasive method of using injectables. Which restores, and enhances facial features in a way that looks incredibly natural.
What Are MD Codes?
One of the world’s leading plastic surgeons, Dr Mauricio de Maio (MD, ScM, PhD), is an expert in the advanced use of dermal fillers and botulinum toxin. Dr. de Maio is best known as the creator of an innovative technique called the 8-point lift. It Creates a maximum lift by restoring volume to the face in eight strategic places. Tthe MD Codes™ system was born from this ground-breaking technique.
Simply put, MD Codes™ is a blueprint of a series of injection points for dermal fillers and botulinum toxin. All based on a deep understanding of facial anatomy. They do not just treat the symptoms of facial ageing. They target the underlying causes in a way that can prevent future wrinkles, sagging and loss of volume.
“It is my belief that practitioners need to be more than just injectors. They need to be experts” – Dr. de Maio.
The Md Code Difference
When our doctors use the MD Codes™ technique, they’re not just targeting one particular aspect of ageing. Instead, they are treating your face holistically. They realise that specific changes will directly impact the surrounding areas, for better or worse, which is why the codes take your entire look into account, not just the area you wish to improve.
For example, in the past, if you wanted to reduce the look of a double chin. The standard practice was to reduce the fat in that area. When you’re using the MD Codes™ technique, however, the priority would be to restore the foundation of the jawline. In turn, this would have a direct impact on the appearance of a double chin. Moreover, minimising it in a way that’s even more effective than simple fat removal, because you’re targeting the cause and not the symptom.
The first step is a full face assessment by a doctor, who will then propose a step by step plan. Ideally to be completed within a year and after that followed by maintenance. Issues are prioritised by foundation, contouring and refinement. Therefore, if you are working with a limited budget, there are “levels” as to what you can do, and the codes ensure you address what’s most impactful first.
The Bottom Line
To learn more about the MD Codes™ and how they can be used to help you create the very best version of yourself, make an appointment to chat with one of our doctors at Skin Renewal. They have all undergone extensive MD Codes™ training, and can use the technique to help you look and feel your Best!
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