According to many reflexologists and Chinese medicine practitioners, spots and pimples on your face map out internal health problems. Understanding what causes spots and breakouts, is the key to finding the most effective solution. The human body is a fascinating and complex wonder. Every single cell or atom the body consists of, has a specific function with a calculated purpose. When something is not functioning correctly, your body tells you exactly what is wrong, you just need to know how to understand the language.
When a virus enters your system, you feel sick. When you’ve been in the sun for too long, freckles appear on your nose. Therefore, why would spots and pimples be any different and just appear at random? It’s your body’s way of telling you something is wrong.

To treat your problem skin, you need to fix the internal problems first. Not all pimples are because of health issues, sometimes they can form due to clogged pores caused by makeup or other factors, therefore you also need a good facial cleanser to clean the skin of those impurities.
The following solutions are guidelines to treat internal problems, based on the location of spots and pimples;
Eat less sugary foods
Go to bed early and get enough sleep
Drink at least 2 litres of water per day
Exercise at least 20 minutes every day
Find a relaxation method like meditation, to ease your tension

Eat less fatty foods and junk food
Include more cucumber in your diet
Between eye brows:
Avoid smoking and alcohol
Eat less butter and cheese
Stop snacking late at night
Do less strenuous exercises

Eat less spicy foods, meat and salt
Go outside for 10 minutes and do some stretches
Include more Vitamin B in your diet
Left cheek:
Get into a daily routine
Change your mood through a positive mindset
Eat more green beans
Don’t overeat
Avoid working late at night, rather wake up earlier
Right Cheek:
Avoid junk food, mango, wine and seafood
Eat less sugary foods
Be sure to get enough fresh air
Do more cardio while exercising

Around the mouth:
Include more fibre and fresh fruit in your diet
Eat less oily or spicy food
Chin and Jaw Area:
Avoid late night snacking
Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables
Get at least 7 – 8 hours of sleep at night
Take omega 3 supplements to help regulate your hormones
The best advice for better skin, is to focus more on your lifestyle. When you live a happy, healthy lifestyle with enough exercise to relieve the extra stress, you will find that you have better overall health and healthier looking skin!
Article Author: Lynette Redelinghuys