When choosing a godparent, you need to understand the role they will play in your child’s life. Here are five attributes to look for to help you make the right choice in selecting someone to be the best suited guardian of your child’s future, if for whatever reason, you are not able to do so.
When I had to make this decision, I didn’t even know where to begin; Who knows what it even means to be a godparent these days? Do people still follow this tradition? What were their roles and how many should you have?
This led me to do a bit of research and discover what the tradition was all actually about.
Here is what I found:
Traditionally when a child was born there were three godparents chosen,a boy has two godfathers and one godmother, and a girl has two godmothers and one godfather. These godparents would be responsible for the child in the event that something would happen to the parents and it was also their duty to manage their spiritual path.
With things changing so much since the ‘good old days’ and many different belief paths, often today we keep the beauty of the ceremony but it is now called a naming ceremony. It takes the basics of old tradition but looks at the true meaning of the value that the child will gain from each godparent.
The role of godparents or ‘Guide Parents’ (as it is now newly named), is no longer a religious or legal requirement, though it can still be if you so wish. However the inputs and virtues that one looked for when choosing a godparent remains the same.
- The godparent should have similar morale values as you do. They either raise their family in a way you admire or they see raising a family in a way you do.
- They will be actively involved in your child’s life. Have a understanding how you will involve them in your child’s life, even if it is for moral support, guidance or even career advise in the future. For whatever reasons you choose, be clear with yourselves how that you add that value.
- They need to be reliable. Everyone gets busy but it is important that they value the request enough to be part of the process. Even if its just a call on a birthday in the future. Often one will find that friends come and go, their closeness to you or your child may change at different stages in your life, this is why looking within your family is always a good idea.
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- That they can support you in raising your child. Today’s family are often not ‘traditional’ the new ‘normal’ is far more blended than what we may think as a traditional family unit. Even if you are a traditional family unit, the phrase “it takes a village to raise a child” has much merit. A person who you can call on for advise and mentor you personally through the parenting process, will add great value to your own life as the beautiful journey in raising your child continues.
- Finally, and you should not overlook LOVE. Be sure that the godparent you choose loves and cares for your child as a member of their own family, and encourage that you reciprocate that love from your own family towards them. They should also be able to feel the shelter of love and encouragement through their own life journey with the instilled bond.
Article: Sasha Muller | Photo by: Shalom Photography|Jolandi Grundeling
Cherish Your Memorable Moments!
Choosing who the right people for the job, is not always such an easy task…but when they accept the role of becoming your child’s godparents, it’s worth celebrating!
Here is a tip: Choose a location with a good atmosphere, great view or where everyone feels most comfortable. Take a good bottle of bubbly with to celebrate the occasion and remember to take a few photos for the Baby-Scrapbook.
*We would like to encourage our readers to share any tips, ideas or stories with us from when you had to make the same decision .
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