Confession – I put dieting off because I worry about the price tags. Did you know a jumbo-sized bag of chips is cheaper than a bag of organic baby spinach? Anyway, my perception has since changed.  I’ve learnt that –  “while clean eating can be a money sucker if you allow it, it doesn’t have to break the bank.”

I thought I’d share some of the tips and tricks I use to save money while cleaning up my diet.  Please share yours too.

Three tips for eating a balanced diet on a budget

1. Go plant-based!

This doesn’t mean you should ditch meat completely. But you can embrace the plant-based trend! Why? Sources of protein like tofu, beans and lentils are inexpensive compared to meat products like lamb and chicken. Also, they don’t contain any chemical preservatives or synthetic growth hormones that many animal proteins are injected with.

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2. Shop around at multiple stores

It does take twice as long, but stocking up from different stores can yield the biggest bargain. And you’ll only do it the first time. Furthermore, compare the price tags of supermarket chains and then come up with a shopping strategy based on your findings. Take products like olive oil  and yoghurt that can be least expensive at a hypermarket while your local butcher may offer markdowns on grass-fed meats.

3. Make the most of meal prepping

Try to buy vegetables, fruits, vegetables, whole grain and lean proteins in bulk. Then spend each Sunday evening preparing your dinners in advance for the upcoming week. This will help eliminate the guesswork of making a healthy meal after a long day at work. Also, you should use the same basic ingredients like eggs, quinoa and fresh greens. This will help you minimise food waste and keep your grocery list to a minimum.

And there you have it. Now you don’t have an excuse not to get into shape!

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