Never get so busy making a living, that you forget to make a life
No matter if you are a workaholic striving to succeed or a underpaid, hardworking individual, don’t let your work take away your joy. When you spend all your time at work or thinking and worrying about work, you grow further away from the people who longs to be close to you. What is the point of proving for a family, when you never get to spend time with them and enjoy the life you have built? It’s not always easy to break away, but it has to be a priority in your life, because if you don’t make that bit of time available to them…you will most likely end up losing that which you have been working so hard for and no money in the world could buy you a family who loves you, like they do. Cherish each other and try to make just a bit of time for them every day, but when you do, make sure to leave your work outside the door.