Rule your mind or it will rule you – Horace




The idea of ruling your mind is to throw away the reality as your mind sees it today, and open it up to accept a new reality. Ruling  your mind means re-examining the truth and diligently re-teaching the mind to set its patterns in-line with the truth as you see it.

The future is always more powerful than the present. We have a responsibility to ourselves to not let our minds be ruled by fear, doubt, and self-judgement, but rather allow it to be open to love and your creative potential.

…Don’t let your thoughts about yourself, define who you are.

Our minds and what we allow ourselves to think, can be the cause of our failures along with low self-esteem and insecurities. It can also be the cause of our success along with confidence and happiness.

The choice is still up to you; Will you allow your mind to define who you are, or will you take control and decide for yourself?

rule your mind
Rule your mind, or it will rule you.
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