Life Retreater’s  have been really hectic.  Life Retreat is growing from strength to strength,  and continue to inspire our readers, to live a healthy, happy and balanced lifestyles.

Please enter our competitions, as our prizes are getting better and better.  The prize I am eyeing out is the Becca makeup hamper (but I am not allowed to enter).  Sammy gave me a Becca glow makeover a little while ago, and I am in love with this make up.  To book a makeup makeover, or for an more info on Becca, please email us.


Our team have really been out and about in the past couple of weeks.  We went to the Vintage fashion fair, and tried on, and bought up a storm of amazing clothes. Many items costing us as little as R15 each.  On Thursday we went off to The Grand for The Make Love, Not War Festival, which was awesome.  Our calendar has loads of exciting events listed.  Click here to keep unto date.  For more info on our calendar, please email

I did a writing retreat a couple of weeks ago, and it was amazing. I went to a place called Phakalane, and also experienced Kundalini yoga, and a group steaming ritual. (Read more, here).  Last weekend we went to see the flowers in Darling, darling with our family. This should be on all annual weekend away lists, and I highly recommend, Trinity Lodge, where we stayed and were treated to delicious food and wine tastings.

Spring has arrived, and it is time to get into shape for Summer.  I am going to go onto the Skinny juice detox, to get rid of my winter weight, and to make sure that I am bikini ready (after having 4 children, I do hope this is possible). Order now, to Detox for Summer. The cold pressed juices arrive flash frozen, and numbered. You are able to store your frozen juices for up to 6 months. Remove the juices from the deep freeze, the night before and place in the fridge to defrost for drinking the next day. Purchase here

Skinnyjuice cluster shots2919

If you would like any questions answered on child rearing, or health related issues, please message Savannah on our website.  Her philosophy is to live a balanced, and happy life.  She is the Mom of 5 children, a bit whacky, and loves to indulge in chocolate, and wine every now and then.

We have all been writing up a storm, and Sammy posts inspiring articles almost daily.  It is worth signing up on the right hand side of this page, to follow us, and make sure you get to read all of these.  Her latest one is:  Easy homemade flu remedies.  If you have any questions on beauty, makeup or fashion then Sam is the person to contact:  

Kerri was involved in the Amplicon/ Opulent LivingCape Leopard Trust fundraiser, and managed to raise over R450 000.00.  Well done to everyone involved.  Watch this space for her new “Gorgeous Campaign”, as it is going to be extremely positive, and exciting.


We have loads of goodies that we have imported from overseas,  that we are selling @ Special Prices, on our Pre Summer Sale.  These include all of the below, plus loads more.  Please either email us, or click here for more info.  Looking to purchase anything specific?  Then please type it into our shopping basket search bar.  If we do not stock it, or you can’t find it, then please email us and we will source it for you.

Please give us as much feedback as possible on our Product reviews, blogs and website in general.  We really want to inspire you.  Any suggestions, complements, or complaints will be welcomed.

Have a wonderful week, and remember to:


We are offering free advertising on Life Retreat.  If you own a business, and would like to take us up on this offer, then please email:

To keep up to date regularly,

Please follow and like us:

2 thoughts on “Life Retreat is Growing from Strength to Strength

  1. I see that you are updating much more these days Im hoping for some more great deals soon though – just in time for Christmas perhaps?? Well done ladies

    1. Hi Carin, we are having a pre Summer Sale, to clear the the stock we have on hand now. And then our new stock will arrive in mid Nov for Xmas, and we will probably only have another sale next year. But, we would love you to keep following us. Have a wonderful weekend.

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