There’s no doubt that fruit juice is healthy, and parents should encourage their children to drink it to get all the nutritional benefits. But researchers now say it may be possible for children to get too much of a good thing.
Too much fruit juice may cause bouts of diarrhoea. Apple juice in particular contains diarrhoea-causing compounds that children’s bodies can’t absorb in large quantities. Pear and prune juice can also be hard to absorb. However, don’t rush to take that cup of juice from your child. Rather, try to limit their juice intake.
—————Money Matters————–
The Six Rules Of Wealth Creation
The key to wealth creation is getting your money to work for you on a regular basis, growing your money every day, and the place to start is with seed capital. Seed capital is part of your monthly income that is set aside first each month to generate more money and grow both your net asset value (NAV) and passive income. Wealth is about the accumulation of assets at the least cost and incurring as little debt as possible. Click here to read on.
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Giving The Gift Of Health This Christmas
Buying Christmas gifts for your family and friends can cause unnecessary stress, and also be time consuming and expensive! And, not getting their “wish list” right, can leave you feeling unappreciated. So, if you don’t want your gift to be thrown in a useless things drawer, why not give the gift of health this Christmas? We all want to be even a little healthier therefore, they they’ll be sure to give your gift a try. Here are seven great ideas for giving the gift of health this Christmas:
Does Christmas Get You Down? Here’s How To Deal With Anxiety…
Most people love the festive period. The Christmas rush, the jingles playing in every store and some even get butterflies when they see all the beautiful decorations. Then there’s you. You just can’t stand Christmas. You keep away from shopping malls and when you walk past a Christmas tree, you feel like tearing it down… Well, whatever left you depressed and anxious about the holidays can change. With these five tips, you could start enjoying the time of rest and relaxation and stop going into a deep depression because of the festivities.
Recipe Of The Week: Raspberry Coco Biscuits GF
I would like to present to you the unofficial raspberry coco gluten free Biscuits. Try them today for a taste of homemade comfort. Click here to get your recipe.
—————Hot Off The Press————–
Hangover? These Four Exercises Can Flush The Alcohol Out Of Your System
When it’s the weekend, you can relax and enjoy spending time with family and friends. However, enjoying sometimes comes with drinking more alcohol than you can tolerate! It’s even worse when a glass or two of wine leave you with nasty hangover. The pounding head and queasiness the morning after is a sure way to spoil your day. Luckily, exercise can help you get past this sickness. And, it has nothing to do with sweating.
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