Caring for your skin, the largest organ, is vital for essential health. This is because your skin is the first barrier against toxins that can enter the body. Adding cannabis oil to your skin care regime can take away your skin troubles.

For starters, cannabis oil is a natural anti-inflammatory and many skin disorders are linked to inflammation in the body. It is also an antioxidant and anti-aging substance which will benefit your skin big time.

Taking cannabis oil orally or as a topical will work for your skin as it contains all the right ingredients for essential health. Visit our online store to order cannabis oil.

Here’s a wrap up of what you missed here at Life Retreat. Enjoy your weekend!

———–Product Reviews———–

Advanced And Powerful Fractional Resurfacing Of The Skin

I am sure you have all been hearing the words ‘Fractional Laser Treatments’ recently, and the incredible results people are experiencing from it for their skin. For this very reason, I decided to do some research around it. Now, if you start looking on google, there is a wealth of information and a variation of terminology that might just end up confusing you, which is why I decided to visit Dr Webster and his team down the road from me. Click here to read on.

———–Money Matters———–

How To Get Into The Habit Of Saving

Getting Into The Habit Of Saving

Most of us know that we should save more money. However, we keep making excuses and end up wasting more money than we should. The common excuse for not saving is that you either think you can’t afford to save or you simply don’t bother. The truth is, most people do not have enough savings to cover unexpected expenses for health care, car repair, or other type of emergencies. To protect yourself from debt and stress, you have to start saving as soon as possible.

———–Product Recommendations———–

The Hype On Collagen & Why You Should Be Taking It

I have recently been seeing a lot of people talking about Collagen, from drinking it in the mornings, putting it in their smoothies, applying it to their skin, and all sorts of different things, which is why I decided to do some more research on what it is and why it is seemingly so good for you. Click here to read on.

———–Most Popular Article———–

Benefits of Wellness Tourism

Benefits of Wellness Tourism

I’m sure you’ll agree with me that lifestyles are more sedentary now then they were a few decades ago. This is why, some people are turning to wellness tourism. Travelling for the purpose of promoting health and well-being through psychological, physical, or spiritual activities can offer much needed respite and rejuvenation. It could have you thinking about strict diets, enforced exercise, or engaging in activities you’re just not interested in. But, it doesn’t!


Recipe Of The Week: Healthy Avocado Brownies

Recipe Of The Week: Healthy Avocado Brownies

This is the best recipe for when you’re entertaining guests and want to show off that brownies can be both healthy and delicious. So, whether you prefer fudgy or more cake-like brownies, with this recipe, there’s a guarantee that you’ll be getting more compliments than leftovers. Get the recipe here.

Also, if you don’t want to miss out on a chance to win great prizes, then you need to sign up to our daily feeds. Click here and sign up.

Don’t forget to visit our online store for some of the best deals on luxury products, health, beauty, fashion, fitness, lifestyle: It’s all here.

Trending on Life Retreat Shop

Click Here To Order Pain Relieving/ Inflammation Medical Cannabis Balm

———————See you at the same time next week!——————-

The Life Retreat Team

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