Clinical tests have revealed that a traditional peanut oil and lemon juice remedy is a more effective dandruff treatment than those specially formulated shampoos.
Firstly, rub a small quantity of warm peanut oil into your scalp – wait for two minutes to enable the skin and hair to
absorb it. Next, apply the juice from a freshly squeezed lemon. Then, wait again, for about five minutes. And shampoo your hair thoroughly. Important: Repeat the treatment on a weekly basis. The mixture brings
proteins to the surface of the scalp, hardening and protecting it.
Here’s a wrap up of what you missed here at Life Retreat. Enjoy your weekend!
Recipe Of The Week – Kale Chips
I love kale chips. They are the best alternative to potato chips especially when you’re on a diet! They also make for a super healthy side or snack. What’s more, they are absolutely delicious! Today, I want to share my nut-free, vegan, sugar-free, soy-free, grain-free, gluten-free recipe with you! Click here to get your recipe.
——–Product Recommendations——–
Diabetes: Healing With Cannabis/CBD Oil
Cannabis oil helps to regulate the production of insulin and controls appetite and metabolism. It allows people to take control of their eating habits, to sleep better and to reduce their anxiety. Approximately 5 – 10 out of 100 people have Type 1 diabetes. It used to be called juvenile-onset, or insulin-dependent diabetes. The body attacks its insulin-producing cells, which ultimately eradicates the insulin in the body. Click here to read on.
——–Beauty Tips——–
Simple Ways to Naturally Whiten Your Teeth at Home
If you have yellow teeth, you probably don’t want the world to see them. You smile or laugh with your mouth closed because you know that the colour of your teeth reflects your dental health. It’s important to take care of your teeth and ensure they are healthy and white. So, if you want a white or whiter smile but want to use effective products without unknown ingredients and dangerous chemicals, here are safe ways to naturally whiten teeth at home.
——–Most Read Article——–
Does Christmas Get You Down? Here’s How To Deal With Anxiety…
Most people love the festive period. The Christmas rush, the jingles playing in every store and some even get butterflies when they see all the beautiful decorations. Then there’s you. You just can’t stand Christmas. You keep away from shopping malls and when you walk past a Christmas tree, you feel like tearing it down… Well, whatever left you depressed and anxious about the holidays can change. With these five tips, you could start enjoying the time of rest and relaxation and stop going into a deep depression because of the festivities.
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I had no idea there was a thing like kale chips. I would like to try it. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for stopping by Melissa. Enjoy!
Ooh Melissa they are absolutely delicious and really worth trying
The biggest bonus is that they are extremely health
Pend us your feedback after trying them