The cheapest and most effective way to reduce puffy eyes, eliminate under-eye bags, tighten skin and provide an instant face lift is to apply haemorrhoid cream.
This cream contain shark’s liver oil and yeast – exactly the same ingredients that are found in firming creams sold at expensive cosmetic counters. So, mix haemorrhoid cream with moisturiser to produce your own personalised firming cream, at a fraction of the prices in city department stores.
Here’s a wrap up of what you missed here at Life Retreat. Enjoy your weekend!
Recipe Of The Week – Almond & Coconut Bread
There is a lot of good that this nutritious Almond & Coconut Bread contains. It is gluten-free, grain-free and low in carbohydrates. This bread recipe is so moist and delicious you will just be in heaven when you bake it. Click here to get your recipe.
——–Hair Care——–
Losing Hair? Here’s Food You Need To Avoid
Going bald is inevitable for most men. After all, if your dad is bald, there’s a high chance you start losing hair later in life. However, don’t blame your father! Studies show that you can inherit the ‘baldness’ gene from your mother. And while there’s really nothing you can do to stop this from happening, you can definitely slow it down by changing your diet… Click here to find out how.
——–Exercise Tips——–
Speed Recovery After Exercise With This Smoothie
If you’re looking for the perfect post-workout eat, this tasty and easy-to-prepare banana berry yoghurt smoothie is just what you need. It’s loaded with energy boosting nutrients. These will replenish your energy levels quickly after an intense workout. One ingredient in this recipe that’s very effective after an intense workout is honey. According to researchers from the University of Memphis, it does double duty. It helps athletes who use energy in short, intense bursts (such as sprinters and tennis players) maintain optimal blood sugar levels. In addition, it aids in muscle recovery after training and exercise. Click here to read on.
——–Health Tips——–
Four Vegetarian Foods That Are Great Sources Of Protein
So, how do you get your protein? This is a common question vegetarians are asked. And from experience, they don’t like it. So don’t ask, read this article instead. Also, if you’re looking to change to a meat-free diet, then here are vegetarian foods that are great sources of protein!
——–Most Popular Article——–
The Best Time of Day to Drink Coffee
I always have a cup of coffee is as soon as you step out of your bed in the morning. Is this the best time? Should I drink water first or eat something before taking my morning coffee? Well, one thing’s for sure. First thing in the morning is not the best time. According to team of researchers at AsapSCIENCE (a very popular YouTube science channel), the best time to get your coffee fix isn’t early in the morning, but rather at around 9am… Click here to read on.
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———————See you at the same time next week!——————-
The Life Retreat Team
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