Look at the mind and body as an interconnected system. When the mind gets negative or sick, the body does too. If you feel stressed out, your mind is full of negative and angry thoughts and your body then starts to react.

You start to experience pain, stomach issues, stiffness, lack of sleep, lack of appetite… If you feel happy and fulfilled, you relax into your body and everything works like clockwork. In fact, many diseases are caused by unhappiness or stress or depression (diseases of the mind).


When you take cannabis oil every day, you boost the health of your body and mind. The oil comprises nearly 200 different cannabinoids, the two most commonly used for medicinal purposes being cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). CBD has no side effects and works wonders. It’s a natural anti-inflammatory, and a sleep inducer, pain killer, and appetite stimulant. THC, on the other hand, affects the brain as it is psychoactive. It can make the user high and most take it as a recreational drug. However, THC is also a natural opiate and can help relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety. So, why wouldn’t you take cannabis oil? Click here to order cannabis oil and care for your mind and body.

Here’s a wrap up of what you missed here at Life Retreat. Enjoy your weekend!


WIN with Wazoogles

WIN with Wazoogles

It is Life Retreat Studio’s 1st Birthday, and we would love to spoil all our clients by giving them the opportunity to win tons of beautiful prizes! Stand the chance to win with Wazoogles and many other prizes.

———–Weightloss Tips———–

Burn Fat With Food


We all have that one comfort food that makes us feel great. That comfort food that leaves you feeling guilty after indulging. Yes, the one that’s high in calories and saturated fat. Well, even though most comfort foods are loaded with deep-fried in oil or sugar, there are some that are actually diet friendly. And today, I want to tell you about three of them.

———–Product Recommendations———–

Fight Acne And All Skin Blemishes With Aphrodite

Fight Acne And All Skin Blemishes With Aphrodite

If you regularly struggle with acne or red, blotchy, uneven skin, you’re not alone. It may seem as though no matter how many high-end skincare products you try to clear your skin, most are not effective! This includes the products usually marketed as the very best for inflamed skin… In fact, most common skin treatments, such as retinol and exfoliants, sometimes worsen tetchy skin. So, what can you do to fight acne and treat all other skin problems?


Recipe Of The Week: Hemp Milk

Recipe Of The Week: Hemp Milk

Hemp milk is a fantastic alternative to dairy, soy and nut milks for those people living with food allergies. It is also highly nutritious. Hemp milk supports heart health, is fabulous for healthy skin and hair, and boosts immunity. Not only is it a great source of protein, it also contains calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, fiber and B vitamins. Homemade hemp milk raw and fresh, it doesn’t contain any additives or preservatives. Click here to get your recipe.

———–Most Popular Article———–

Is Sugar Really That Bad For You?

sugar really bad
Image credit @candibod

Sometimes it feels like trying to understand sugar is almost impossible. I’ve noticed that the more savvy I become, it seems the more determined manufacturers also become to making understanding food labels confusing. So, if you want to avoid the whole sugar confusion, I’d suggest sticking to an unprocessed, whole food diet. You won’t have to worry about added sugar or sneaky sweeteners when you eat quinoa or broccoli. However, this is a real world. Thus, sometimes you will eat processed foods. But, when you do, keep these six things about sugar in mind.

Also, if you don’t want to miss out on a chance to win great prizes, then you need to sign up to our daily feeds. Click here and sign up.

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———————See you at the same time next week!——————-

The Life Retreat Team

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