The people who are best placed to succeed are those who have spent some years working for someone else in their chosen field. You need to know what you are really up against.
The highest failure rate is among those people who go into areas they know nothing about. Example: they’ve eaten in a fancy restaurant many times and think it looks easy to manage a restaurant. Also: pick the right associates – this is often overlooked. People go into business with family and friends, usually not the right people at all! A business must have a good balance of talents: an ideas person, a manager, a sales director, a first-rate accountant.
Here’s a wrap up of what you missed here at Life Retreat. Enjoy your weekend!
———–Hair Care Tips———–
Almond Oil for Hair Growth And A Natural Treatment For Hair Loss
If you’re trying to get luxuriously healthy hair, look no further than almond oil. It carries oil with a rich, deep history that has been honoured for a long time as a natural herbal remedy! Not many people know that when you mix almond oil with another essential oil like sandalwood or castor oil, it can help prevent hair loss and promote hair growth. Click here to find out how to use almond oil for hair loss.
Recipe Of The Week – Cheese, Chive & Onion Muffins
Savoury muffins can be enjoyed at breakfast, lunch or supper. Because they are so tasty and full of flavour, they can be enjoyed with soups in Winter and salads in Summer. Click here to get your recipe.
———–Beauty Tips———–
How To Prevent Wrinkles Before They Start
When you’re in your twenties, your hair is shiny, your skin is plump and your body is toned. Hopefully, you don’t have serious health issues. The sad thing is, you don’t think about preventing wrinkles. Like a lot of other twenty year olds, you feel invincible. You are strong and healthy, have a few responsibilities and don’t stress over your job. In your early twenties, you body is in peak condition and working efficiently. Click here to read on.
———–Health Articles———–
Three Common Everyday Chemicals That Cause Breast Cancer
We’ve all heard or know of women who have fought breast cancer. It could be your grandmother, mother, aunt, sister, daughter, neighbour, friends… You could even be fighting the disease yourself. One in every eight woman will develop breast cancer, and close to 40,000 women die from it each year. It is an epidemic. And, according to science, common everyday chemicals found in food, cleaning products and personal care items, play a major role in flaming this epidemic. The only thing you can do is try to avoid your exposure to the three breast cancer-causing chemicals I’m about to give you.
———–Most Popular Article———–
Can Cannabis Oil Cure HIV?
A number of people want to know if cannabis oil can cure HIV. Studies around the benefits of cannabis oil for HIV are ongoing, but many patients agree to the benefits of cannabis oil to help manage their HIV. One this is for sure, Cannabis oil can certainly treat HIV symptoms which affects more then 35 million people globally. These symptoms include loss of weight, lack of appetite, nausea, depression, anxiety, twitching nerves and muscle loss, pain, diabetes… Click here to read on.
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———————See you at the same time next week!——————-
The Life Retreat Team
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