The cheapest and most effective way to reduce puffy eyes, eliminate under-eye bags, tighten skin and provide an instant face lift is to apply hemorrhoid cream.
This cream contain shark’s liver oil and yeast – exactly the same ingredients that are found in firming creams sold at expensive cosmetic counters. So, mix hemorrhoid cream with moisturizer to produce your own personalised firming cream, at a fraction of the prices in city department stores.
Here’s a weekly wrap up of what you missed here at Life Retreat. Have a great weekend!
The OnlyOco Out-Of-Store Experience
Let us bring the OnlyOco experience to you. Let us bring the OnlyOco experience to you. Everything you love about OnlyOco will be available this Friday and Sunday at Life Retreat, Lourensford Estate, Somerset West
– Complimentary Cocktails
– Nail Bar
– Hair Dry Bar
– Makeup Touch-Ups
– Fashion: Mens & Ladies Retail
– Bridal Gowns & Cake Tastings
———Product Recommendations———
Four Common Health Problems Coconut Oil Can Treat
You’ve probably heard it already – coconut oil has endless uses. This amazing oil is the darling of the nutrition world, is very economical and it smells like a tropical island. With a multitude of beauty uses, from soothing haywire hair to moisturizing skin, coconut oil also makes a brilliant cleanser. But what more can this oil do? Click here to find out.
Recipe Of The Week: Cheese Substitutes
When you’re thinking of going dairy free, cheese can make you procrastinate. Fortunately, for most people, cheese cravings can subside within about a month. So, if you opt to completely remove it from your diet, you may need to substitute cheese to not only hold back the addiction but also enjoy foods such as pizza and lasagna. Get your recipe here.
———Product Reviews———
Extra Virgin Olive Oil Facts
Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the highest quality olive oil. It is characterized by perfect flavour, odour, a maximum acidity (oleic acid) of 1g/100g – 1% with maximum peroxide value equivalent 02/kg of 20. In South Africa, a panel of experts judge Extra Virgin Olive Oil for taste, mouth feel, and aroma. This oil contains the most health benefits when fresh which reduces with oxidation and exposure to heat and light. Click here to read on.
———Most Popular Article———
Prevent Altitude Sickness With These Four Tips
Altitude sickness affects millions of people each year and can turn a dream vacation into a sickness nightmare. So, if this is your first trip thousands of miles above sea level, you may want to keep some things in mind. Many people tend to overlook altitude sickness as a reason for their ailments because the symptoms are similar to those of flu or the common cold. Click here to read on.
Also, if you don’t want to miss out on a chance to win great prizes, then you need to sign up to our daily feeds.Click here and sign up. In addition, you can visit our online store for some of the best deals on luxury products, health, beauty, fashion, fitness, lifestyle: It’s all here.
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————-See you at the same time next week!————–
The Life Retreat Team
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