This beautiful Pitbull cross puppy named Phigo was brought to the Mdzananda Animal Clinic mid-September by an irritated owner. The irritation was pure love…

Phigo was bought by his owner, Gabebe, as a gift for his girlfriend. Gabebe was extremely proud of the beautiful puppy and wanted his girlfriend to experience the love and joy this little puppy would give her.

The puppy and girlfriend got along well and he was happy with his decision. Gabebe and his girlfriend brought little Phigo to the Mdzananda Animal Clinic for his injections and dewormers and to check that he was in good condition.

Then Gabebe had to go on a work trip to the Eastern Cape for a month. What he found upon his return broke his heart.

Phigo was covered with severe mange! Three quarters of his skin was without hair, some spots were bleeding or covered with scabs and the poor boy was itching from head to toe.

Love Is A Puppy
Phigo, the newest member of the family! / image:

Mange is caused by a very small mite that burrows into the skin around the hair follicles causing the hair to fall out. Terrible itching occurs as the little critters move around.

In a healthy dog the body would be able to destroy the mange mites, but in dogs with a compromised immune system the mites reproduce rapidly and produce the symptoms of mange.

Gabebe took one look at his girlfriend, picked up the puppy and broke up with her. He brought the puppy to Mdzananda for help. He told us that if someone cannot look after a puppy and care for a puppy’s health then he wanted nothing to do with them.

He was so concerned about Phigo that he insisted on staying to help bath him and gently removed the scabs and dried blood. He watched with interest as coconut oil was massaged into the inflamed skin.

Coconut oil is very soothing and has both anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Further treatment included anti-mite and antibiotic injections.

Phigo is still with us at the Mdzananda Animal Clinic and is recovering from mange slowly with regular baths and daily coconut oil massages. He is a delightful little puppy who races into the ward after spending the afternoon in an outside run. He then barks loudly demanding his supper!

Gabebe says Phigo will be his new life partner.

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