Mandela Day.  Life Retreaters are giving back for 67 days.

”Death is a frightful disaster no matter what the cause, and the age of the person affected.”  Nelson Mandela, 1969

Today has been a tough Mandela Day, as one of our legends, Gugu Zulu, passed away on Kilimanjaro this morning.  SA is heartbroken, and we send our condolences to  Letshego, Lelethu, his family, and friends.

Every year, this time, we seem to know exactly what we are going to do on Mandela Day.  It is such a feel good day, and, it gives all of us the opportunity to give back to our society.  For some reason, this year, we could not think of what to do. There were so many opportunities, to join in with various Mandela Day happenings.  Yet, they just didn’t feel right for us. So, we chatted this morning, and decided that we would do something good every day for 67 days.

On the Mandela Day website, they say:  “Take Action.  Inspire Change. Make every day a #MandelaDay.   We can’t promise that we will update you every day, as to what we do.  But, we can promise that every day, we will do something positive.  If there is anything that catches your eye, that you would like to help us with, or contribute to, please email us on Please also share with us what you have done for Mandela Day.

Join us in our #SaveSA campaign.  We live in the most beautiful country, with the most amazing people.  Let’s all spread positive energy, and really make our Rainbow Nation work.

[Tweet “We will do something good every day for 67 days #liferetreat #SaveSA.”]

Day 1

Today,  we received a package from #PSGiveADress, and to our delight, it was virtually an empty box.  Okay, there were a couple of choccies in it.  Our box is lined with pink paper, and the letter accompanying it has invited us to put a Matric Farewell dress into it.  So, tonight, on our 1st day of our 67 days, we are going to go through all our dresses, to find something beautiful to put in our box. We have already found a handbag and shoes to go with it, and we are so excited to contribute to the campaign.

Cadbury P.S. is always looking for ways to create precious moments for its consumers” says Grant van Niekerk, Mondelez SA Category Lead for Chocolate.  “In starting the P.S. Matric Farewell Dress Campaign, we felt that we could create a platform for our consumers to get involved in helping each other.  We also hope that by providing the disadvantaged girls with dresses, we can help them make their matric farewell a memorable one” van Niekerk adds.

[Tweet “#PSGiveADress, and we are going to help make a a memorable moment #liferetreat #SaveSA”]

Day 2

Yes, we are jumping forward a bit.  but while we were going through all our clothes, we managed to fill a big black bag with all sorts of clothing, that we think little boys need.  Tomorrow we will be handing them out to the kiddies that beg at the robot, and break our hearts every day. They will get our daily lecture, about staying off drugs, going to school etc etc etc.

[Tweet “handing out clothes to kids at the robot, that break our hearts #liferetreat #SaveSA”]

Day 3

We have put together loads of mens clothes, which we are going to distribute to the men we see daily looking for work.  They are up at the crack of dawn, and are prepared to do anything from gardening, to painting.  They are always well groomed, and have a smile on their faces, and I am sure the more we encourage them, the more they persevere in looking for work.

[Tweet “Giving to deserving men, looking for work #liferetreat #SaveSA”]

Day 4

Paying It Forward

Paying It Forward today:  We have a whole pack of blankets, and we are going to give 2 scarves to every single homeless person we see. We will instruct them, to give one scarf, to someone less fortunate than themselves.  I love this idea, because it makes people realise, that no matter how bad their circumstances, there is always someone less fortunate than themselves.  We did this last year, and it was amazing to hear how most people got a lot more joy from giving someone else a gift, than in fact they got from receiving one.

[Tweet “Paying it forward #liferetreat #giveawaysa”]

Day 5

Giving back to ourselves. We always do our best to help Charities, and those in need.  But, today is slightly different. We need to all stay strong, fit, healthy and happy, in order to have the ability to help others.  So, today, we are giving back to ourselves.  We are exhausted from overworking, and run down from the flu, so to revitilise ourselves, our good deed for the day, is to give ourselves the gift of a massage.  I suggest that no matter what you do today, make it a day to give to yourself. Have a long bubble bath, go for a walk, have an afternoon nap, indulge in your favourite food.

[Tweet “We need to all stay strong, fit, healthy and happy #liferetreat #SaveSA”]

Blankets 1238049_681841841852677_229924345511098266_n
Fleece Blankets For Sale @ Cost Prices

Purchase Fleece Items @ cost to Donate to Charities of your choice: Click on links below




Giving back for Mandela Day


[Tweet “Purchase Fleece Items @ cost to Donate to Charities of your choice #liferetreat #SaveSA”]

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2 thoughts on “Mandela Day

  1. ???? to my ???? also just got news of a friends passing. So sad that such amazing people are taken from us, yet they now have wings, concentrate on the goodness in them and celebrate their lives

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