We are living in exciting times. The World is opening up to natural, alternative treatments. As a result we can now alleviate depression with medical cannabis oil.

People are opening up to natural therapies and treatments. Generally, natural remedies are less harmful to the body and mind than prescribed meds. We live in depressing times. In other words events and experiences can be overwhelming.  Traumatic events include crime, climate change, extreme weather patterns, busy lifestyles, over-work, parenting pressures, traffic, addictions. . Therefore, knowing that it is possible to alleviate depression with medical cannabis oil provides a sense of relief for many people.

CBD-Enriched Medical Cannabis Oil Can Help Relieve Depression

Cannabis plants consist of numerous cannabinoids which interact with the human endocannabinoid system. The two most common cannabinoids are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD).  Both of these are powerful healing agents. THC is a psychoactive cannabinoid which can cause side effects such as paranoia, anxiety and fatigue. However it is a natural healer if used responsibly. CBD is entirely natural and non-psychotic. Consequently, it is safer than conventional medication. Drugs often cause harmful side effects. Cannabis oil that is CBD enriched alleviates depression.

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The Endocannabinoid System in Balance

Receptors in the endocannabinoid system respond well to cannabinoids from cannabis plants.  CBD is the cannabinoid, which substantially improves mental issues. CB1 receptors are found in the brain and run through the entire central nervous system.  Depression is usually caused by chemical imbalances in the brain. Finally,  finding its roots in the nervous system. When someone is depressed, it is a direct sign that their endocannabinoid system is out of balance. Thus affecting mood, quality of sleep, energy levels, bodily functions and diet.

Furthermore, ones body’s innate homeostasis is then compromised. Therefore it makes sense to find the balance again and bring back health. In other words if we are out of balance, our organs become diseased.  Resulting in the need to repair their immune system health.

CBD is an Anti-Depressant

Research has shown that CBD is an anti-depressant, and reduces anxiety. Using cannabis oil to treat depression gets faster results than most anti-depressant pills. It stimulates the endocannabinoid system, assists with the development of nervous system tissues. Mixing CBD with THC mitigates the psychoactive qualities of the THC, which then addresses depression. THC changes the way we react to negative emotions and events in our lives. It interacts with receptors in the brain linked to our endocannabinoid systems. Using the THC-CBD blend, or CBD on its own, treats depression, by allowing the person to feel calm, sleep better, eat better and enjoy elevated moods.

What is Depression?

Depression is experienced as a feeling of emptiness, or sadness.  It can last from a few days to a lifetime. There are varying degrees of depression. Ranging from bouts of grief to extreme bipolar disorder. Resulting in experiencing extreme highs and lows. Symptoms include anger, irritability, loss of interest in hobbies, decreased memory, anxiety, restlessness and thoughts of suicide. Resulting in people often feel tired, irritable and in pain.  They experience weight loss or gain, insomnia and exhaustion. As a result, they battle to make decisions or concentrate. Depression can be caused by:
– Difficult life circumstances
– Genetics
– Abuse of addictive substances
– Disease or pain
– Low self-esteem
– Physical, verbal or sexual abuse
– Post-traumatic stress disorder

Treat Depression With Medical Cannabis Oil

Cannabis oil balances the endocannabinoid system resulting in improved moods, immune system functioning, and general health. Endocannabinoids are chemical compounds produced in the brain. They regulate physical activity, thoughts, emotions, behaviours and more. Cannabis cannabinoids are similar to these and play the same role. Endocannabinoids in the brain are reduced by chronic stress. Therefore they enable the mind to return to its normal levels of functioning.  Above all, easing depression.

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Read more about Healing ailments with medical cannabis oil here

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2 thoughts on “Alleviate Depression With Cannabis Oil

  1. We are living in exciting times as the World opens up to natural, alternative treatments, and we can alleviate depression with medical cannabis oil.

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