Over the course of history, men with facial hair received credit with attributes including wisdom, sexual virility, masculinity, and technical proficiency in all things. The modern moustache is still resilient. Just when it seemed that we would hung it in the dusty mop cupboard of history, a cultural revolution swung the pendulum back, ushering in a new day for moustaches.

Here are  facts about the moustache you probably didn’t know:

1. Albert Einstein had a moustache for over 50 years.

2. The world’s longest moustache is a 14ft monster belonging to Ram Singh Chauhan of Rajastan, India, who regularly massages it with mustard and coconut oil to keep it healthy.

3. In 1967, The Beatles gave away cardboard moustaches with their album Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.

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4. Police in a district in India’s Madhya Pradesh state are paid to grow moustaches because bosses believe it makes them command more respect.

5. A one-month-old moustache is capable of holding approximately 30ml of liquid or around 10% of a glass of beer before leaking its contents down the face of the owner.

6. Salvador Dalí published a book dedicated solely to his moustache.

7. The average human hair grows at a rate of 0.014 inches a day, or about 5 to 6 inches a year.

8. There are between 10,000 and 20,000 hairs on a man’s face.

9. Men with moustaches are more attractive. Fact.

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If you ever needed a reason to take a selfie, this is the time. We know you like showing off those moustaches, and we like seeing them. Use #Movember with all your pics and follow @Movember on Instagram – who knows, maybe you’ll see yourself on #MoustacheMonday.

Long live the Mo.

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