Stress is everywhere. Some people talk about it like it’s something you feel. Others relate to it as an emotion such as anxiety or frustration. From a feeling of explosion to worrying about an unexpected bill, it all comes down to stress.

But did you know that all these feelings can affect your mental health?

Yes they can. And today I want to tell how how mandalas can help you overcome them.

Does stress really affect your mental health?

Many studies have shown a link between chronic stress and obesity, cancer and heart disease. But according to the American Psychological Association’s latest stress survey, 66 percent of people regularly experience physical symptoms of stress, and 63 percent experience psychological symptoms. These disorders include anxiety disorders and depression.

The story I’m about to share helped me realise how something as simple as colouring in could give more benefits than therapy.

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A story about the power of mandalas

I received a letter from a young female doctor with a surprising story regarding mandalas. On her way to becoming a specialist in neurology, she had to work a year’s residency in a psychiatric ward. Initially, the young doctor tried to work against this predominant attitude and introduced some therapeutic techniques.By accident she came across a colouring pad. As all else had already failed, she thought she would at least hand out some mandalas and colouring pencils and the patients who felt like it could colour them. Soon the entire ward was decorated with mandalas. It even seemed fun for the patients of whom nobody had expected this. Suddenly, the doctor noticed the most amazing changes in his patients. Not only did they seem calmer and more centered, the overall atmosphere had become more harmonious and lighthearted. Two older ladies, who had not spoken for years surprised everyone by starting to colour the mandalas.

When one of them started to talk again. The doctor could not help but feel that it had something to do with the mandala. And when the second lady also began to communicate verbally, the young doctor became convinced that there must be some inherent secret in the mandalas. Sadly when the young doctor left the psychiatric ward, the mandala wave came to an abrupt end.

An amazing story from the book Mandalas For Meditation By Rüdiger Dahlke.

Art therapy can help you overcome stress

If you’re dealing with significant mental or emotional issues, then you need to try art therapy.

According to the American Art Therapy Association, art therapy is a mental health profession.  The process of making and creating artwork is used to explore feelings, reconcile emotional conflicts and foster self-awareness. It can also manage behavior and addictions, develop social skills, improve reality orientation, reduce anxiety and increase self-esteem.

Get the Adult Colouring Book today and colour your stress away


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