Do this, not that! Eat this, not that! It does get exhausting. Well, before you thoroughly brush off dos and don’ts of weight loss!  

Here are a few weight loss articles that we’d like you to read from 2017, especially if you’re trying to lose weight.

How Rooibos Tea Can Help You Lose Weight

Herbal Tea
Herbal Tea

With winter around the corner, a steaming cup of rooibos tea will be great for warming up or soothing a sore throat. But that’s not all it will be doing. Studies show that this tea can help with everything, from nagging headaches and insomnia to bone weakness and hypertension. And now, according to new research, it can help you reach your weight loss goals too. Here’s how…

If You haven’t Tried Granny Smith Apples For Weight loss, You Need To Read This…

Granny smith
KLean detox and weight loss

Granny Smith apples make a guilt-free addition to your weight loss efforts of all the macintoshes, pippins, and golden and red delicious. So, if you aren’t already filling up your basket with this healthy fruit that’s packed with antioxidants, dietary fibre and flavonoids, then here’s some information that will help you get into the habit of shopping Granny Smiths.

Three Satisfying Lunches That Promote Weight Loss

Three Satisfying Lunches That Promote Weight Loss
Cherry Juice

If you’re trying to lose weight, you’re probably cutting calories wherever you can. However, this isn’t what you should be doing to get rid of that excess fat… You should be eating regular, healthy meals because this will help keep your blood sugar levels steady and your appetite-regulating hormones in check. Click here to read on.

Cleaning Up Your Kitchen Can Help You Lose Weight

lose weight
Diet supplements

When you’re trying to lose weight, you’re usually willing to do anything to drop those few kilos. However, some diets can end up harming your body. Sure, you’ll look good, but will it be worth it when you suffer the consequences later. Celebrities constantly lose and gain weight. But, consider the dangerous health concerns many of them have that you read about in the news daily. That’s why you shouldn’t follow any of those crazy diets. Did you know that keeping your kitchen mess and clutter-free can help you lose weight? Yes, it can! All you have to do is follow these six tips, and you’ll be on your way to your ideal weight.

Four Big Weightloss Lies That Are Hindering Your Progress

Big Weightloss Lies
Diet and Weight Loss

If you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired of trying to lose weight, you’re probably following misguided or outdated advice. You know, the weight-loss promises tell you to eat what you like and still lose weight? Yes, those! As much it’s possible to eat what you want and lose weight, it’s not as easy as it sounds. It takes a lot of hard work and time. So, let’s take a look at four of the most significant false weight-loss claims, as well as what works.

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