Aloe Vera juice is our go-to health product. We have all heard of these new Aloe Vera Drinks people are going crazy about, but what is it about these juices that is so great and what makes them so different from the rest? 

ALO® has raised the bar for health drinks and taken re-hydration to a whole new level with their range of Aloe Drinks and people can’t get enough of it!

The following products can be found at selected Woolworths stores or online. Two deliciously refreshing ALO® drinks filled with lots of nutrients and goodness which contains real Aloe pulp. You have got to try it!

Natural Aloe Vera – Original Base Ingredient

This ancient healing plant is filled with amino acids and aids in the healthy absorption of other vitamins and nutrients. Drinking aloe vera juice helps your body absorb the good stuff – better.

*All-natural & is made straight from the leaf, never from powder.
*No artificial flavors, colors or preservatives

Alo exposedALO Exposed (Aloe Vera+Honey)

+ Honey – Nature’s Gold
Contains magnesium, potassium, minerals, a natural sweetener. A great booster for strength and energy to our body.
It is known that honey has also been found to keep levels of blood sugar fairly constant compared to other types of sugar

Alo Vera enrichedALO Enrich (Aloe Vera + Pomegranate + Cranberry)

+ Cranberry – Superfruit For A Super You
Meet nature’s secret crush – the cranberry. This buoyant berry is teeming with antioxidants and things to turn bad cholesterols into good ones. Did ALO mention it fights plaque? That too.

+ Pomegranate – A Wizard Of A Fruit
Pomegranate: The forbidden fruit, has plenty of antioxidants plus contains folic acid and vitamins A, C and E.
Fertile with mythical history, the seeds in the pomegranate fruit are packed with antioxidants and vitamins C and B5.

aloe vera rangeBenefits of Drinking Aloe Vera Juice

“We make it our mission to provide aloe vera in its most naturally nutritious form.” – Henry Chen, President of ALO Drink

Aloe Vera is very versatile and has many beneficial applications to the body both externally on the skin and internally on one’s internal organs.

Aloe Vera gel, the transparent substance of the aloe vera, contains more than 200 nutrients. Chemical analysis by the International Aloe Science Council revealed that the clear gel of the aloe contains the following vital nutrients: amino acids / minerals / vitamins / enzymes / proteins / polysaccharides / biological stimulators.

Aloe vera is the only plant on earth that contains the Acemannan, a mucopolysaccharide present in the inner gel of aloe vera. It stimulates receptivity of the digestive tract to vitamins, mineral nutrients, trace elements, enzymes and many other important nutrients to strengthen our immune system, repressing inflammations and benefiting the mucus membrane.

1. Good for Digestive tract:
Aloe vera juice is used for consumption and relief of digestive issues such as heartburn and irritable bowel syndrome.
Aloe vera encourages the bowels to move and help with elimination.
If you have diarrhea, it will help slow it down.

2. Assists the immune system
Looking ahead to the upcoming wild Winter, our immune systems need to be boosted.
Aloe vera is especially great for those who have chronic immune disorders like polysaccharides or fibromyalgia since the polysaccharides in aloe vera stimulate macrophages, the white blood cells that fight viruses.

3. Pain reliever and reduces inflammation
Aloe vera improves joint flexibility and comes filled with mucopolysaccharides — the amino sugars needed for the regeneration of body cells.
It strengthens joint muscles, which therefore reduces pain and inflammation in weakened or aged joints.




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16 thoughts on “Why More People Are Drinking Aloe Vera Juice

  1. Hi, I am just an consumer.I saw some bad reviews and have some concerns with the sugar level. I am eating better and trying to reduce my sugar intake, is this drink ok to drink? I also often have constipation issues, does it help with helping me “go” and how often can I drink it as I know aloe has a laxative affect.

    1. Hi Michelle
      Many of us suffer from bloatedness and constipation due to our diet and lifestyles
      Well done on reducing your sugar levels as refined sugar is one of the most toxic things that we consume
      This Aloe is exceptionally pure, with no added sugar. There are however Aloe juices sold that are just empty calorie glorified cold drinks
      I would suggest using this natural Aloe juice
      I use the Aloe Fibre Bitter capsules for a while now, and I highly recommend them as I no longer suffer from Bloatedness or constipation
      You can purchase on this link online , and we will courier them to you – you will never look back

  2. Would you please donate us some juices for our world diabetes day awareness day event on the 14 Nov that is World diabetes day.

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