Win Kiko Vitals Hormone Balance Supplements worth R 1 500!!!!  We have 3 prizes for the giveaway of a Month’s Supply of Hormonal Supplements.

Kiko Vitals Hormone Balance Herbal Supplement
Kiko Vitals Hormone Balance Herbal Supplement

KIKO Vitals is an ‘all in one’ hormone balancing supplement to help women with hormonal imbalances such as Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and endometriosis. Menopause, Weight Gain, Acne, And more…

About Kiko Vitals

This powerful and all-natural combination is aimed to harness one’s inner beauty and balance through harmonising your hormones.


Kiko Gift Voucher
Kiko Gift Voucher Click On Pic To Shop


Enter Now and stand a chance of winning a Months supply of Kiko Vitals

You could win a monthly supply of Kiko worth R 1 500!!

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Winners will be announced on our blog!

Click Here to purchase your Kiko Vitals Online. 

Use Code: KIKO at Checkout to ensure that you get a Whopping R100 Off Your Order

Hurry now as R100 Gift Voucher Expires at midnight 15 September 2021

Good Luck!

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CBD Zoom Herbal Healing Consultations

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15 thoughts on “Win Kiko Vitals Valued At R1500

  1. I would love to win the Kiko Vitals Hormone Balance. I suffer from hormone imbalance, irregular periods and acne. I believe this product would be life changing!

  2. Sounds like a product I need to try :)! Have been struggling with hormonal melasma for some time & haven’t found an effective treatment yet…

  3. September is always a great time to look inward and start focusing on health and self care. Definitely needing the extra support as I head into my 40’s 🙂

    1. Dear Simone
      Thanks for entering and there is no better time than in your 40s to ensure that you go through a smooth Menopausal transition
      Good luck

    1. Dear Cirsten
      Thanks so much for your feedback and we have had incredible results and I am sure you will benefit from it
      You will be entered into our Lucky Draw
      Good Luck

    1. Dear Danielle
      Holding thumbs for you as you are in our lucky draw, as I know you will love this product
      So many of our Clients are experiencing enormous benefits

  4. Ive suffered from depression for years and have been in anti depressants. Ive just hit 40 in July this year and Im so anxious. Im generally a sensitive person but now I’ve decided to stop anti depressants. I need this product. When i hit those blues I have to dig deep to establish if its PMS/ onset of menopause or theres actually something making me sad. Since Ive weaned off anti depressants i think this product may help me. Id love to try it out.

    1. Dear Lukhanye
      Thanks so much for entering into our Competition
      I am so sorry to hear that you have suffered from depression for so long, as this is such a difficult Journey. Kiko should help enormously with your mood swings, as we have many Clients who are benefitting from using the Supplement
      I do offer Complimentary Zoom Herbal Healing Consultations and am sure I can offer some other Lifestyle tips to you.
      Please email me on if you would like to set up an apt
      Have a beautiful day

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