The OREO Chocolate Crème flavoured cookie is here!  Life Retreat is giving away seven amazing OREO giveaway hampers worth R300 each!  To celebrate it’s 104th birthday, OREO has launched a global ‘Wonderfilled‘ campaign, encouraging people to “open up” and make connections with new people.  Oreo is giving you the chance to win one of three family trips to New York worth R200 000! #LetWonderOut #giveawaysa


Open up your heart, share an OREO with someone different and see what happens…

The message behind Open Up with OREO is based on the notion that as children we are naturally open, free from biases, judgments or preconceived notions and, as a result, are more open to others. As we get older, however, we tend to default to the familiar, which can cause us to close ourselves off to others. An OREO cookie is the catalyst for breaking down barriers and creating connections.

OREO is offering you a chance to win one of three family trips to New York City worth R200 000!

This enchanting and fun campaign is taking place in more than 50 countries across the world, South Africa included! The campaign shares the positive message of asking people to open up their hearts to others, while offering fans the chance to win one of three family trips to New York City worth R200 000 each!

How to enter:

For a chance to win one of these trips to the home of OREO, you must purchase a pack of OREO biscuits (176g or 429g) and SMS the last five digits of their barcode to 40185 or enter online at

*SMS rates and Ts & Cs apply.

Visit one of the Oreo #WonderSelfie activations and experience the fun at one of the activation events

Oreo will be hosting wonder selfie activations in shopping centres in Johannesburg, Pretoria, and Cape Town. These engaging installations promise a unique experience of opening up and sharing wonder: Be part of the fun and join the Life Retreat team at one of these activation points, you don’t want to miss this!

  • Menlyn: 6 – 10 April
  • Maponya Mall: 13 – 17 April
  • V&A Waterfront: 27 April – 1 May

For more information about the Open Up with OREO campaign, visit and follow OREO on Facebook and Twitter #LetWonderOut.


Win one of these amazing OREO giveaway hampers

OREO giveaway hamper
OREO giveaway hamper

How would you open up with OREO?

We want to know how you would approach someone different and offer them an OREO, what would you do or say to break the ‘barrier’?

(Answer in the comment section below)

*Share your moments:  For additional entries, please post a photo of your favourite OREO moment, shared with friends or family – Remember to post it with #LetWonderOut #giveawaysa

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21 thoughts on “WIN: OREO Hamper & The Chance To Win A Family Trip To New York!

  1. #LetWonderOut #giveawaysa I first take one oreo and then i lick it,open it up and scrape the white from the cookie and start eating it. I then hold the package out to the person because no one can say no or be mad or unfriendly if they see how i enjoy my oreo.

  2. I would love to see the smiling faces of little orphans when I present them with packs of delicious Oreos.

  3. I would share / offer mine to those kids that stand at the robots who offer to take the rubbish out the car. I know many people say they are all druggies etc but i doubt any of them have ever even tasted any biscuits let alone Oreos, so it would be great to give them that treat

  4. I woul love to share my box of Oreo with my lift club driver ,he waits for me when I am late ,brings me home safely and on time .I also love to bring smiles to my grandchildren ,they love Oreo ,I love them

  5. I generally tip the petrol attendants, most of them are so friendly and always so helpful and keen to wash my windows and all that… I think I should definitely keep a box in my car, and next time I meet a friendly attendant, offer him a box to share with the others!

    1. HI Adele
      That is such a great idea, and I think I am going to do this as well. Thank you. If you have any nice pics when paying it forward, please send them to us.

  6. I always love bringing a smile to a child’s face and would offer Oreo to the underpriveleged kids in our local community. It is something they would enjoy and appreciate. I have tweeted @rehanaseedat

    1. Thanks Rehana
      We would love to hand some Oreos out to underpriveleged children, and send us some pics. The smiles on their faces, is always the best.

  7. I would smile & say to them: Can I interest you in a burst of amazing? They would look at me confused & perplexed…and I would pull out my Oreo biscuit – please take one & #LetWonderOut with a happy tummy & happy tastebuds, promising to finish the experience off with a heart warming smile. 🙂

  8. I would surprise A Deserving Service-Worker. I would think of someone in my community who deserves more appreciation (like for example, firefighters, nurses,bus drivers etc.) and offer them an OREO cookies hamper or surprise them with the OREO’s and a Thank you card for all that they do in the community to make it a better place!

    1. HI Megan
      I agree the people in our services industries are often overlooked. And they do amazing work for our society.
      If you hand any Oreos out, please send us pics, or videos, and help us to pay it forward,

  9. I’m not a shy person and love meeting new people and socializing.

    This is a true story;

    My mom bought a box of Oreos and I took it to work(don’t worry I bought her another box afterwards).
    At work during tea time,I made me some hot choc to have with my oreos, a new person just started working there and I noticed she was very much a loner,didn’t talk to anyone and always ate alone.

    She walked into the canteen and I decided I’m going to approach her and get her to open up to me. I walked up to her and basically shoved the box in her face, she looked at me in surprise, I gave a big smile and said “Please have one”.
    She said “It’s okay,no thanks”
    I said in a jokey way “You’re going to make me eat these alone?”
    I gave an even bigger smile.

    She looked at me in surprise,I placed two in a plate and gave them to her,she smiled and said “Okay”

    I got her to sit down and we started talking. She told me that I was the first person to approach her and offer her something, from there on she started to open to others and is now happy.

    1. Hi Michelle
      This is such a cool story. Thanks for sharing. I believe that every act of kindness, and paying it forward, gives people hope, and spreads positivity.
      Have you got any pics to share with us?

  10. Normally and usually it is very impractical to approach a stranger – especially in these days! However, something – like OREO – are HARD to share,and resist. I do Not consider myself a very pious person, but God fearing and devout Protestant! I believe in the commandment of sharing with those less fortunate. In this instance I can break the ice even with the most feared individual to share. This, I would do by approaching the said individual, introduce myself, then go for my pocket and take an OREO and offer them the packet to eat with, so he can see see that I come in peace and we break the bread together. #LetWonderOut #giveawaysa

    1. HI Thabo
      I love your message, thank you so much.
      I honestly believe that if we pay it forward, and share kindness, and live peacefully, SA will emerge from our tough times, as the most amazing country in the world.

  11. This is such a great competition. Everything that we can do to pay it forward, gives hope to the people we do it with. There are so many amazing people in SA, who are battling every day, but a glimmer of hope, makes us all carry on #LetWonderOut

  12. There is a guy who I have recently seen sleeping outside a restaurant late at night. My heart goes out to him and I would definitely approach him with a box of oreos and a hot cup of tea and have a chat with him, ask if he has a family, offer whatever little assistance I can and tell him that I will pray that God will bless him sometime very soon. We never know what pain others are going through and as humans we are always judging and that needs to stop. This is a great initiative and brilliant campaign by oreo. Well done guys!

    1. HI Aneesa
      I agree – let’s all pay it forward in whatever way we can. Hope often keeps us going, and kindness consoles us. Please him a box of Oreos, and send us pics
      #LetWonderOut #giveawaysa

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