As we approach the end of winter, you’re probably planning to start shopping for warmer months. But what I want to tell you is, it’s time to take advantage and stock up on winter clothes while they’re on sale now. But before I tell you about our winter sale, I want to let you in on the latest craze – colouring in Mandala’s, and I can see why. They are beautiful, relaxing, and healing. We post a weekly Mandala for you to colour in. If you would like to receive it in your mailbox weekly, please subscribe to my posts.
For more info on Mandalas, read here.
A great tip that I learnt recently, is to print out the mandala, and glue it to a piece of cardboard. This way, it does not get ruined. It’s easy to colour in on your lap. And, the biggest bonus is that if it’s beautiful. It’s easy to slip into a picture frame. If you have any completed Mandalas, please photograph them, and send them to us to share with, and inspire our readers.
Enter now, to win loads of amazing prizes. Click here to enter: On Giveaway SA. We post daily competitions, so watch this space!
On Sale On Lifestyle Shop Online:
Shop here for unbelievable bargains.
My choice special of the week is The Risoli Saucepan with a Lid. If you purchase now, you can save over R700.00.
Hemp oil heals, is my chosen article of the week. I am sharing this with you, because it seems that wherever we turn these days, there are debates on dagga, and hemp. It seems as if pretty soon, it will be legalised throughout the world, so it is probably time that we learnt more about it. I began taking hemp oil this week, and will keep you posted on the results. If you would like to try it, you can purchase it here.
RRP: R150.00 (You save R40.00)
RRP: R175.00 (You save R25.00)
There are loads more interesting articles on our Blog. Please give us your feedback, by clicking here. Let us know what your would like to read more, or less of, and share as much as possible with our fellow readers. Our motto is to inspire our readers to Live-Embrace-Love-Cherish #LELC
My son and I made humus last weekend, and I just have to share this delicious recipe with you. Humus is extremely healthy and versatile. We began by dipping fresh baby veggies into it, and finished up by piling it onto our steaks for dinner. Very morish, so guess what we are cooking again this weekend. Click on pic for recipe.
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Support our #savesa Charity drive. Please help us to keep SA warm this winter. Thanks to our generous readers, we have already donated 1000’s of blankets, and scarves to kiddies, and animals this year. Please help us to spread the word to enable us to donate 1000’s more.
Click here to view lots of other products we have on sale on our online store.
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