Clear Your Clutter by Kate Emmerson
This book could not have come at a better time. I am in the process of clearing clutter and that involves some hard decisions: what do I keep and what do I throw out? Do I really need to keep my (adult) children’s hand-made cards from pre-school? Yes. And do I really need three kettles? No.
Kate suggests asking your self three questions: 1 Do I love it? 2 Is it useful? 3 Does it add value to my life?
For anyone downsizing, moving or just wanting to live lighter, this book has some useful advice.
Like Kate’s five-box rule. When you’re clearing a cupboard or a room, have five boxes (or bags) for: rubbish, recycling, repairs, relocate and sell.
Throw out clothes you have not worn for two years, toss out any crockery that is chipped or cracked and tackle those piles of books and CDs – a hard but necessary job.
Once you have let go of all the stuff that you have been hanging on to for all the wrong reasons, you need to organise what is left.
In her 28-day step-by-step programme, she gives practical tips on how to declutter everything, from rooms and cupboards, to your car, your handbag and your head. Now I just need 28 days of leave.
Check out some of Kate Emmerson’s videos on our Youtube Channel