Think back over the past year. What were your favourite food trends of 2015? Perhaps one of the super-foods, or maybe you got into molecular gastronomy? Posh burgers continued to rise in popularity, and poutine was firmly on the menu of 2015. But now that 2015 has left the room, I wanted to write a food guide for all those looking for healthier treats this year.

Now, before I start with the guide, I want you, the reader, to be totally on board with good health and good nutrition this year. There’s no point reading this article if you have no intention of utilising the advice that I give. I learnt this the hard way. I had always been interested in eating healthily, staying fit and jumping on the “food trend train” but I wasn’t fully committed until I actually stayed focused on my good health. And that is where I want all of you to be!

Oatmeal Evolved

Oatmeal has always been a staple in a health junkie’s diet, but over recent years it has lost its way, due in part to the fact that many people considered it ‘boring’. Other more ‘exciting’ healthy breakfast trends had overtaken the traditional food. That is, until now. Oatmeal is going to see a huge resurgence this year, with ancient grains being incorporated in a big way, as well as coconut milk to replace plain milk. How about steel cut oats with hazelnut granola? The possibilities are huge. This new oatmeal is a superfood lover’s dream, and it won’t break your bank.

Superfood Oatmeal

Chickpea Flour

It has a rich and ever so slightly sweet taste: chickpea flour. Remember those two words, as you’ll be seeing a lot more of them in the coming months. It is high-protein, gluten free and highly healthy. You can use it to transform the meals you make at home, or if you find yourself eating out with friends or family, look for these words: panelle, socca, cecina. Why? because all three are made with chickpea flour.

Chickpea Meal

Hot, Hotter, Hottest!

The fascination with hot foods and hot sauces continues. Last year saw complex chilli blends from all over the globe, including the devilish Shichimi-Togarashi from Japan. In 2016 you are likely to see more nuanced hot sauces such as “Nashville Red” or “Tsire” from West Africa. Don’t know the benefits of hot sauce and hot food? Well, for starters it improves digestion greatly. For those looking to lose weight, adding hot sauce to your meal will help to reduce hunger and thus lead to less consumption of food later in the day.

Hot Sauce Based Meal


Did your parents ever tell you to eat your greens to grow up healthy? Well, 2016 is taking that old adage one step further. Chlorophyll is being attributed to breaking down fats in the body, and health chefs all over the world are using it in its pure form to make nutritional gold. Fitness fanatics love taking a shot of chlorophyll for an antioxidant boost. You can incorporate it into your drinks and healthy meals as a weight loss aid.

Chlorophyll Shot
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One thought on “A Foodie’s Guide To Health In 2016

  1. Add to this list artichokes. Put them in a salad for a winning dish (low cal, big taste). Also agree with chick peas!

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