Anxiety seems to be the buzz word of today’s ailments. Almost every one I meet these days, is either suffering from anxiety, or panic attacks. Throughout my life, I have also had periods where I have suffered from anxiety. I have learnt various tips along the way, on how to ease it, and I thought I would share them with you.

– Mindfulness can be anything from meditation, to deep breathing

– Calming exercises, include, yoga, walking and swimming

– Herbs and vitamins: Drink chamomile tea throughout the day. Take some of the following supplements: Gaba, valerian, passion flower, omega oils, kava, magnesium, Have regular vitamin B injections

– A healthy diet, must include loads of fresh fruit and veggies. Drink loads of water. I prefer warm lemon, or ginger water in winter

A Healthy Diet Can Help With Anxiety


– Rest if you are feeling anxious, and be sure to take rest breaks throughout the day. Ideally we should all have 9 hours of sleep, but this varies from person to person, as I know my ideal sleep time is about 8 hours

– Alternative remedies, like reflexology, hypnotherapy, and massage always bring us a sense of calm

– Bring nature into your life. A little direct sunlight is ideal for our daily vit D boost. Walk outside, and be aware of all of your 5 senses

– Avoid, or limit alcohol, coffee and sugar. If you don’t have to, then do not go to places, or do things that you find stressful

Have Fun And Laugh More!


– Personality points we all need to work on are: Have fun, and laugh more. We can’t control everything, don’t even try. Don’t strive for perfection, rather aim at being the best you can be. Don’t overwhelm yourself, and remember the “no” word when you have too much on your platter

– Tips we can use at home: Learn to do TRE, and practice regularly. Take epsom salts baths weekly. Massage lavender oil on your temples, whenever needed, and put a few drops on your pillow at night

– Learn your triggers, and avoid anxious places. If you have to be somewhere, go with someone as a support system

– Get help and either confide in friends or family, that can support you, or see a professional

Confide In Your Friends

– Write down everything, including lists to do, or anything on your mind. Daily journalling or free writing is ideal 1st thing every morning

– Prepare mentally when doing anxious things

– Plan your days, and this way you will never feel overwhelmed

– Take someone with you to places that make you anxious, like to the shops or gym

– Do something you love that relaxes you. I love reading magazines

If You Have A Hobby Then Great!


– Visualisation. Close your eyes, and picture your tranquil place. I always picture myself lying under a tree, on the grass on a sunny day. The rays of sunshine that peep through, gently caressing my body

– Medication if need be. If your anxiety is out of control, I would suggest seeing a doctor, and having medication subscribed. This way you can take the edge off while practising all these techniques, and then wean yourself off it when you are ready

– Lavender is amazing. Grow a lavender plant, even if it is in a pot in your apartment. Rub lavender oil on your temples

– Music

– Epsom salts bath

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