The natural sweetness of coconut flour makes for a great tasting pizza base. When making gluten-free pizza bases its hard to get that crispy texture without it becoming chewy.

The trick is in the preparation which is different to your usual base.



Coconut Flour Gluten-free Pizza Base Recipe


 4 Good Quality Eggs
 ¼ cup Plain Yogurt
 1 tsp Organic Onion Powder
 One tsp Organic Oregano
 1 tsp Organic Basil
  cup Shredded Parmesan Cheese
 2 Cloves Garlic
 ¼ tsp Nature’s Choice Sea Salt


1. Whip the eggs in a large bowl with the yogurt and sea salt.
2. Add the coconut flour and whip until very smooth with no lumps. This may take a few minutes to accomplish as it takes some time for the coconut fiber to absorb the liquid.
3. Blend in the onion powder, oregano, basil, garlic, and parmesan cheese.
4. Line a pizza pan with parchment paper.
5. Gently pour about 1/2 the batter onto the paper lined pan. Use a spatula or other kitchen utensil to spread the batter into a 20cm to 22cm circle that is quite thin (the thinner the better).
6. Bake at 200°C for 10 minutes. Remove pan from oven, add homemade pizza sauce, cheese, and other toppings as desired.
7. Place back in the oven on the grill for about 5 – 8 minutes or until golden brown.
8. Repeat this process with the remaining half of the coconut flour batter.
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