How many times have you heard it? Fat doesn’t make you fat, sugar makes you fat! Yet we still find ourselves binging out on anything sweet for that extra kick to get you through the day. Am I right, or am I right? But don’t worry, I have a solution to kick this horrible sugar habit and get you back onto the right health path.
Did you know that sugar is more addictive than any illegal drug? It is the number 1 reason why there are so many people that are overweight. And did you know that the majority of foods you are putting in your body contain large amounts of sugar that you probably aren’t even aware of?

Sugar has absolutely no nutritional value! It only delivers a load of Kilojoules in exchange for… nothing… it adds no value to your life.
How to shrink your belly:
It sounds easy, but we know that it is really difficult. The best way to stop the sugar craving is to go Cold Turkey, cut back drastically! In the beginning it will be really hard, however as your body regains its insulin sensitivity, it won’t crave sugar so much.
Rule Number 1:
Don’t be fooled by artificial sweeteners, the majority of them are just as bad for you as sugar itself
Rule Number 2:
Sugars are hidden in pretty much everything, but under another name, so make sure you read the labels on packaging before consuming. Especially fruit juices, peanut butters, cereals etc…

Rule Number 3:
Go Raw. Try to eat foods that either need to be refrigerated or that expire within a few days. This way you know it is not packed with preservatives.
Rule Number 4:
Don’t get confused between hunger and thirst. Often we think we are hungry, and our bodies are telling us to have some sugar for energy. Rather try having a cup of tea, or a glass of water to re-hydrate, and you will notice a lot of the time you weren’t even craving sugar or food.

Rule Number 5:
Just because it’s not sweet doesn’t mean it is not packed with sugar. Think of bread and pasta. These carbohydrates are filled with sugars which are called simple carbs.
Rule Number 6:
Be Mindful. Before eating or drinking something, just be mindful of what you are putting into your body. Recognize if it has sugar, and if it does, is it really worth putting in your body?

Rule Number 7:
Learn to say NO! Don’t be shy, if someone offers you sugar, just say no! You don’t have to feel obliged to eat or drink what everyone else is eating or drinking. Just remember everyone has their own things they are working on and if sugar isn’t one of theirs don’t let them hamper your progress.
Article written by Samantha Taylor and Trish Taylor

Absolutely interesting!
Pleased you enjoyed the article Vanessa, have a Happy Sunday
It all starting with children as well. At our schools, in the home, always the wrong type of nutrition from this early age.
HI Johan
I agree, we need to start our children off, eating healthily at an early age, but thankfully it is never too late to change our diets, and now is better than every.
We have 4 children, whom we have always taught about healthy eating, and they are old enough now to take responsibility for their own health. All 4 of them are thankfully very aware of what they eat, and extremely healthy