We know how difficult the transition is from hearty warm comfort curries to trying to fit back into your shorts, which is why we put together this stress-free guide to looking good and feeling better this Spring in just a few simple steps! – With Maaji Activewear

It is time to put that scale away, and start working on some healthy choices that make you feel great, without the pressure of having to lose weight according to the scale! Feeling good comes from within, when you are eating well, drinking lots of water and making healthier choices your body and your mood will thank you! 


5 Simple Ways To Change Your Lifestyle Choices

1. Do away with your ‘FAD’ diets, they don’t work. There is no secret to weight loss or getting healthy. It is all about balance. We suggest you try have 3 small meals a day with 2 small snacks in between. The point of being healthy is to nourish your body with good nutrients without having to starve yourself. 


2. Again, you read this all the time, this is the secret to getting healthy – WATER! Drink at least 2l of water a day. We are so quick to turn to fruit juices and sodas when we are thirsty that we forget natures number 1 hydrator. Water is great for your digestion, liver, and skin. 


3. More protein, less carbs! Instead of trying to fill your stomach up with things like pasta and potato, try go for the more complex carbs by steaming some vegetables, and adding a nice amount of protein to it. 


4. Try to be more of a plain Jane… No one wants to be a plain Jane, but when it comes to eating and drinking, we suggest you buy good quality foods so that you don’t have to put extra seasonings and sauces that are filled with salt and sugar. Use fresh herbs, lemon, pepper, garlic, and chili to spice up your meals.


5. Get moving! Even if it is something light like yoga, going for a walk or just stretching every day to start off with, you will see a huge difference. If you don’t like going to the gym take up something outdoors such as hiking, or tennis. 


Give Yourself A Kickstart With Maaji

Sometimes it all comes down to the mind. There are some things that make you feel good instantly, like new activewear! Like we said, when you look good, you feel good. Have you ever got new active wear and instantly felt better about yourself? More motivated and ready to tackle your goals? Then we think you should do just that! 

We recently teamed up with Maaji SA and Colourbox to bring you all that is new, innovative and exciting.









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